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Update existing users

Use the Update existing users option to update metadata of existing users.

To perform successful mappings during the import, information on User name must be provided.

Destination field name in the import viewData typeRequiredDescriptionExampleLocation in the user interfaceField name in the user interface
User nameTextYesUser name of an existing user.johndoeEdit userUsername
Full nameTextNoUser’s full name.John DoeEdit user | General tabFull name
OrganisationTextNoOrganization that the user belongs to. Delimiter between organization IDs is dependent on setting.
For Snow License Manager, use the Organization Name in Snow Management and Configuration Center and not the Friendly name.
For SAM Core on Snow Atlas: If the import is unable to map to the organization, find the identities for each organization node and add the identities to the import file. To find the Organization ID, also called GUID do the following:
  • In the report Organizational overview, add the column Organization ID. For more information, see Add columns to lists.
Edit user | General tabOrganization
Phone numberTextNoPhone number of the user.08-123 45 67Edit user | General tabPhone number
Mobile phone numberTextNoMobile phone number of the user.073-123 45 67Edit user | General tabMobile phone number
E-mailTextNoE-email address of the user.john@doe.comEdit user | General tabE-mail
LocationTextNoLocation of the user.DEP-UKEdit user | General tabLocation
Room numberTextNoRoom number of the user.124 AEdit user | General tabRoom number
Disable auto-editingBooleanNoDisable auto-editing for this user. Allowed values are:
  • YES or 1
  • NO or 0
NOEdit user | General tabDisable auto editing
[Custom fields]NoImport data to existing user custom fields. Supported custom field data types are:
  • Text
  • Date
  • Yes|No
  • Digit
  • Currency
  • Decimal
Edit user | Custom information tab[Custom field name]