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Oracle order import

Use the Oracle order import option to import Oracle orders in bulk from Microsoft Excel or .csv files.


When you navigate to Home > Import data and then select Oracle order import, you land on the Oracle overview page's Upload your Oracle orders view.

Important: The Oracle order import functionality has no way to validate the uniqueness of licenses in an order, so you need to ensure that the entitlements that are imported are not yet in the system; otherwise, this could result in having duplicate licenses.

Imported orders are displayed in the Oracle order list view on the Oracle overview > Orders & Licenses tab.

Destination field name in the import viewData typeRequiredDescriptionExampleField name in the user interfaceLocation in the user interface
Agreement nameTextYesName of the Oracle agreement associated with the Oracle product(s) in this order.
If this is a new agreement, it will be created using this field—Agreement name—as well as the fields Agreement number, Agreement valid from and Agreement valid to.
Oracle Support Agreement CSI 12345678AgreementEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
Agreement numberTextYesNumber of the Oracle agreement associated with the Oracle product(s) in this order.ORACLE2296055AgreementEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
Agreement valid fromDateYesValid start date of the Oracle agreement associated with the Oracle product(s) in this order.2019-03-10AgreementAgreements | Agreements Details | Agreements periods tab
Agreement valid toDateYesValid end date of the Oracle agreement associated with the Oracle product(s) in this order.2020-03-10AgreementAgreements | Agreements Details | Agreements periods tab
Order dateDateYesDate of this Oracle order.2019-03-02Order dateEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Order nameTextYesName of this Oracle order.March 2019 Order for production environmentsOrder nameEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Order numberTextYesNumber of this Oracle order.53197Order numberEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Reseller order numberTextNoReseller's order number of this Oracle order.N/AReseller order numberEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Internal reference numberTextNoInternal reference number of this Oracle order.N/AInternal reference numberEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
OLSATextNoOracle License and Services Agreement (OLSA) reference for this Oracle order.N/AOracle Master Agreement (OMA), Oracle License and Services Agreement (OLSA) referenceEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Purchase currencyTextNoMonetary currency used for the purchase of the Oracle product(s) in this order.USDLicense Cost, AgreementEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Area of useTextNoOptional field describing the area or purpose to which the Oracle product(s) in this order are to be used.LicensingArea of useEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
NotesTextNoOptional remarks or notes related to this order.March 2019 production environmentsDescriptionEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
OrganisationTextYesThe organizational entity to which this Oracle order belongs.
For .csv import files, the delimiter character between multiple organization IDs must match the Import settings option.
For Snow License Manager, use the Organization Name in Snow Management and Configuration Center and not the Friendly name.
For SAM Core on Snow Atlas: If the import is unable to map to the organization, find the identities for each organization node and add the identities to the import file. To find the Organization ID, also called GUID do the following:
  • In the report Organizational overview, add the column Organization ID. For more information, see Add columns to lists.
OrganisationEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Contact nameTextNoContact name of the person who placed this Oracle order.Janice DoeContact nameEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Contact emailTextNoEmail address of the person who placed this Oracle order.janice.doe@amegacorp.comE-mail addressEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Contact phoneTextNoTelephone number of the person who placed this Oracle order.+1 (402) 867-5309PhoneEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Vendor nameTextNoName of the vendor to which this Oracle order was placed.Delphi OracleNameEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Vendor addressTextNoAddress of the vendor to which this Oracle order was placed.515 W. 27th St., Kearney, NE 68847AddressEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Vendor contactTextNoVendor contact person through whom this Oracle order was placed.Hal BomanContactEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Vendor emailTextNoEmail address of the vendor contact person through whom this Oracle order was placed.harold.boman@delphioracle.comE-mail addressEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Vendor phoneTextNoTelephone number of the vendor contact person through whom this Oracle order was placed.+1 (308) 433-5709PhoneEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Order statusTextNoStatus of the Oracle order (Valid or Terminated).ValidStatusEdit Oracle Order & Oracle Order Details
Lic statusTextNoType of license (Normal, Upgrade, or Migration).NormalTypeEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
Product nameTextNoOfficial Oracle product name.
When a single order is created manually in the user interface, the Product category is selected first, followed by Product type, and then Product, with the latter only required here in this Product name column header if this Oracle order file import function is used.
For a list of all supported Oracle products, see Oracle product names, categories, and types.
Oracle Database Enterprise EditionProduct category & Product type & ProductEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
License typeTextNoLicense type (Full Use, Application Specific Full Use, Application Specific, Embedded, Limited Use Other, or Runtime).Full UseLicense typeEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
MetricTextNoLicensing metric as defined by Oracle:
Named User Plus | Processor | Collaboration Program User | Concurrent Device - Network License | Concurrent Device - Order Form | Concurrent User - Network License | Concurrent User - Order Form | Developer - Network License | Developer - Order Form | Named User | Named User - Multi Server | Named User - Network License | Named User - Order Form | Named User - Single Server | Power Unit | Power Unit - Intel | Power Unit - Risc | Universal Power Unit.
ProcessorMetricEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
Period typeTextNoPeriod for the license agreement (Perpetual, 1 Year, 2 Year, 3 Year, 4 Year, 5 Year).PerpetualPeriod typeEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
QuantityNumericNoProduct purchase quantity. Must be a numeric positive value.100QuantityEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
License costCurrencyNoCost of the purchase. Must be a positive currency value. The value is assumed to be expressed in the purchase currency.12453.00License costEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
Support costCurrencyNoSupport cost that is intended for the first year of software usage. Must be a positive currency value. The value is assumed to be expressed in purchase currency.3652.99AgreementEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product
CSITextNoCustomer Support Identifier number.89457720CSIEdit Oracle Order | Products Tab | Edit Product