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License import/update

Use the License import/update option to import information on new license purchases or update an existing license. To perform a successful import, the following information must be provided (mandatory fields):

  • Application name, Application part number, or SKU (stock keeping unit)

    (selected alternative must be indicated under Identity mapping in the Import settings step of the import wizard)

  • Legal organization

  • Purchase date

Information indicated as “Required to get complete status” must be provided, otherwise the license purchase will be indicated as incomplete. An incomplete license purchase will not be included in the compliance calculation.

Destination field name in the import viewData typeRequiredDescriptionExampleLocation in the user interfaceField name the user interface
License IDNumberNoID of an existing license of which data is to be updated.
To check the License ID:
  1. List all licenses.
  2. Open Column selector and add the License ID column to the list.
  3. Find the license to update from and the corresponding License ID.
Note: For license updates, the License ID field is required. If the License ID is not provided, the licenses in the import file will be treated as new licenses.
486List all licenses | License ID column
Search for licenses | License ID column
License ID
Application nameTextYesName of an existing application.Adobe Photoshop CS4Edit license | Purchase tabApplication
SKU (stock keeping unit)TextYesSKU number of an existing application.
Note: For SKU numbers that are not in the database the license purchase will be imported as incomplete (with the setting ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_LICENSES enabled).
SFKJHDF34Edit license | Purchase tabStock-keeping unit (SKU)
Legal organisationTextYesLegal organization that made the purchase. Delimiter between organization IDs is dependent on setting. Required to get complete status.
For Snow License Manager, use the Organization Name in Snow Management and Configuration Center and not the Friendly name.
For SAM Core on Snow Atlas: If the import is unable to map to the organization, find the identities for each organization node and add the identities to the import file. To find the Organization ID, also called GUID do the following:
  • In the report Organizational overview, add the column Organization ID. For more information, see Add columns to lists.
Edit license | Purchase tabLegal organization
Purchase dateDateYesDate of purchase. Required to get complete status. Supported date formats:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
2010-10‐28Edit license | Purchase tabDate of purchase
MetricTextNoThe unit of measurement for the license. Required to get complete status. An empty value in this field will mark the license purchase as incomplete. Allowed values are:
  • Installations or Installation
  • Total users or Users
  • Total cores or Number of processor cores
  • Total processors or Number of processors
  • CAL (Client Access license), CAL or Client Access license
  • Total devices or Devices
  • Concurrent Users
  • Concurrent Devices
  • Processor Value Units or PVU
  • Custom Compare Value, Custom or Custom compare values
USERSEdit license | Purchase tabMetric
Assignment typeTextYesProvides information on how a certain license assigns licenses to relevant consumers. Available values are:
  • Organisation or Organization
  • Computer/datacenter, Computer or Datacenter
  • User or Users
  • Site
OrganizationEdit license | Purchase tabAssignment type
Is upgradeBooleanNoDefines if the license is an upgrade license or not. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1, or True
  • NO, 0, or False
Note: The license purchase must be connected to an already existing base license, or it will be imported as an incomplete license (with the setting ALLOW_INCOMPLETE_LICENSES enabled).
YESEdit license | Purchase tabUpgrade license
Upgrade from license IDNumberNoID of the license to upgrade from. Required to get complete status if Is upgrade is set to YES.
To check the ID:
  1. List all licenses.
  2. Open Column selector and add the ID column to the list.
  3. Find the license to upgrade from and the corresponding ID.
242License details| Purchase tab
Edit license | Base licenses tab
Upgraded from
Base license quantity to upgradeNumberNoNumber of base licenses to upgrade.50License details| Purchase tab
Edit license | Base licenses tab
Base licenses to upgrade
QuantityNumberNoNumber of licenses. Required to get complete status. If used for an upgrade license, this number should reflect the quantity that you are entitled to convert.
Example: For metrics NUMBER OF PROCESSORS and NUMBER OF PROCESSOR CORES, the Quantity refers to the number of licensed processors/processor cores.
50Edit license | Purchase tabQuantity
Subscription valid fromDateNoStart of the subscription period. Required to get complete status if Is subscription is set to YES. Supported date formats:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
2010-01-01Edit license | Purchase tabFrom
Subscription valid toDateNoEnd of the subscription period. Required to get complete status if Is subscription is set to YES. Supported date formats:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
2011-12-31Edit license | Purchase tabTo
Is subscriptionBooleanNoDefines if it is a subscription license:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
If set to YES, Subscription valid from and Subscription valid to must also be defined.
Edit license | Purchase tabLicense has a subscription period
Purchase priceNumberNoValue of the license purchase.100Edit license | Purchase tabPurchase price
Purchase currencyTextNoCurrency of the license purchase.EUREdit license | Purchase tab[no name]
Cross edition rightsBooleanNoRight to use the same and/or lower editions of the product. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
Note: Should only be enabled if the license is purchased with downgrade rights.
YESEdit license | Purchase tabCross edition rights
Downgrade rightsBooleanNoRight to use the lower product version of the product. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
YESEdit license | Purchase tabDowngrade rights
Auto allocate (distribute) licenseBooleanNoActivates auto allocation. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
NOEdit license | Assignment tabAuto allocate
Maintenance includes upgrade rightsBooleanNoThe license includes a support or maintenance agreement.
The field defines whether or not a maintenance agreement includes upgrade rights. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
Should be set to YES if the license is purchased with upgrade rights.
Should be set to NO if the license is purchased without upgrade rights.
Note: The Maintenance and Support fields should only be used if:
  • The license has upgrade rights within a time frame, either by an agreement or by user-specified dates.
  • The license includes a support or maintenance agreement.
Note: If you update an existing license and include any of the Maintenance and Support fields in the license import, be aware that any previously entered data in the Maintenance and Support fields will be deleted from the database.
YESLicense details| Maintenance and supportUpgrade rights
Maintenance according to agreementBooleanNoDefines whether or not automatic upgrade will use agreement period. Allowed values are:
  • YES, 1 or true
  • NO, 0 or false
If set to NO and Maintenance includes Upgrade Rights is activated, an automatic upgrade period must be provided (in Maintenance and support valid from and Maintenance and support valid to), otherwise the license will be invalid.
Note: The Maintenance and Support fields should only be used if:
  • The license has upgrade rights within a time frame, either by an agreement or by user-specified dates.
  • The license includes a support or maintenance agreement.
Note: If you update an existing license and include any of the Maintenance and Support fields in the license import, be aware that any previously entered data in the Maintenance and Support fields will be deleted from the database.
NOEdit license | Maintenance and supportAccording to agreement
Maintenance and support valid fromDateNoDefines what date automatic upgrade is valid from. Required for the license to be complete if Automatic upgrade is activated, and Maintenance according to agreement is set to NO. Supported date formats:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
Note: The Maintenance and Support fields should only be used if:
  • The license has upgrade rights within a time frame, either by an agreement or by user-specified dates.
  • The license includes a support or maintenance agreement.
Note: If you update an existing license and include any of the Maintenance and Support fields in the license import, be aware that any previously entered data in the Maintenance and Support fields will be deleted from the database.
2010-10‐28License details | Maintenance and supportPeriod from
Maintenance and support valid toDateNoDefines what date automatic upgrade is valid to. Required for the license to be complete if Automatic upgrade is activated, and Maintenance according to agreement is set to NO. Supported date formats:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
Note: The Maintenance and Support fields should only be used if:
  • The license has upgrade rights within a time frame, either by an agreement or by user-specified dates.
  • The license includes a support or maintenance agreement.
Note: If you update an existing license and include any of the Maintenance and Support fields in the license import, be aware that any previously entered data in the Maintenance and Support fields will be deleted from the database.
2013‐08‐31License details | Maintenance and supportPeriod to
Agreement numberTextNoAn external agreement number. This field can be left empty if Maintenance according to agreement is set to NO. If used, this agreement must already exist.
Note: The agreement needs to exist prior to the license import. Also, the purchase date of the license must be within the agreement period.
HP19289182Edit license | Purchase tabAgreement
External IDTextNoUsed to assign an ID from an external system, such as ERP, CRM or sales/order systems.ABC123Edit license | Information tabExternal ID
Vendor/resellerTextNoName of vendor/reseller that this license was purchased from.AmazonEdit license | Information tabVendor
License proof locationTextNoLocation where proof of license purchase is stored.Safe at the officeEdit license | Information tabLicense proof location
Purchase notesTextNoEnter license purchase specific information as free text.Edit license | Information tabNotes
Serial numbers/ license keysTextNoSerial numbers/license keys received for this purchase.Edit license | Information tabSerial numbers/ license keys
Installation media locationTextNoLocation where installation media is stored.File server 1Edit license | Information tabInstallation media storage
Purchase invoice referenceTextNoInvoice reference number found on the invoice.ADB00889912Edit license | Purchase tabInvoice reference
Product descriptionTextNoUse the Product description to add either an own product description or the manufacturer's.OfficeStd 2010 SNGL MVLLicense details| Information tabProduct description
Maintenance costNumberNoMaintenance cost per period.100License details | Maintenance and supportMaintenance cost
Support costNumberNoSupport cost per period.100License details | Maintenance and supportSupport cost
Maintenance and support notesTextNoNotes on the maintenance and support.License details | Maintenance and supportNotes
Maintenance and support invoiceTextNoReference to the maintenance and support invoice.SHB00375297License details | Maintenance and supportInvoice reference
[Custom fields]NoImport data to existing license custom fields. Supported custom field data types are:
  • Text
  • Date
  • Yes|No
  • Digit
  • Currency
  • Decimal
License details| Information tab[Custom field name]