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This document describes the different types of data that can be imported to Snow License Manager and SAM Core on Snow Atlas. Depending on the selected import type, either new objects can be created or existing objects can be updated with new metadata. Information that needs to be provided for a successful import is indicated as “Required” in the tables.

Definition of table columns

Table columnDefinition
Destination field name in the import viewEach source field in the import file must be mapped to a destination field in order for all data to be imported. This column shows the name of this field as it is displayed in the field mapping step of the import wizard. Note that some destination fields are mandatory (indicated as “Required”).
Location in the user interfaceThe location of the corresponding field in the user interface where the data can be viewed after import.
Field name in the user interfaceThe name of the corresponding field in the user interface where the data can be viewed after import.