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Import/update vendors

Use the Import vendors option to import new vendors, or update metadata of existing vendors.

Vendor information is presented on the Manufacturers and vendors list in the Agreement details in the user interface.

For Snow License Manager, vendor information is enabled in Snow Management and Configuration Center.

Destination field name in the import viewData typeRequiredDescriptionExampleField name in the user interface
External IDTextYesExternal ID of the vendor. If this ID already exists, the existing vendor’s metadata is updated; otherwise a new vendor is created.SE12111335External ID
Vendor nameTextYesName of the vendor.Dustin ABVendor/contractor
CategoryTextNoA category to group vendors by.Software VendorsCategory
Postal addressTextNoPostal addressBox 18Address
Visiting addressTextNoVisiting addressStorgatan 45Visiting address
Postal codeTextNoPostal code123 45Postal code
Phone numberTextNoPhone number08-123 45 67Phone
Fax numberTextNoFax number08-111 222 33Fax
WebsiteTextNoWebsite addresswww.comp.comWebsite
E-mail addressTextNoE-mail addressjohn@comp.comE-mail address
Contact nameTextNoName of vendor contact.John DoeContact
Contact e-mailTextNoE-mail address of vendor contact.08-123 45 67Contact e-mail
Contact phoneTextNoPhone number of vendor contact.john@comp.comContact phone
Contact mobile phoneTextNoMobile phone number of vendor contact.073-123 456 7Contact mobile phone
Revenue amountNumberNoThe revenue amount for the vendor.100000Revenue amount
Revenue currencyTextNoCurrency of the revenue amount.EURCurrency