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Architecture of Adobe Creative Cloud functionality

This section describes the architecture of the Adobe Creative Cloud functionality in Snow License Manager as from version 9.8.1.

Data flow

When an aggregation from Snow Integration Manager is performed, it sends data using the Snow License Manager API. The API, in turn, stores the data in the table adobecc.Import in the SnowLicenseManager database. This row is then picked up by the Adobe Creative Cloud service to be processed. For more information about the data imported from Adobe Creative Cloud, see Retrieved information for the Adobe Creative Cloud Connector.

The image below describes the data flow for the Adobe Creative Cloud data in Snow License Manager.


For troubleshooting purposes, it is possible to see the data before it is processed by the Adobe Creative Cloud service, by following these steps:

  1. Stop the Adobe Creative Cloud service.

  2. Extract the data from the desired Payload column by using Save results as, and select All files and then store it as a JSON file.


    To reduce disk space demand, select only the columns that you need.

ReadModels and Reports

In the adobecc schema of the Snow License Manager database, there are multiple ReadModel and Report tables that each correspond to a view in Snow License Manager. The ReadModels and Reports shows the current situation that comes from the latest import.

The following table shows the ReadModels and Reports in the adobecc schema.

ReadModel / ReportDescription
ReadModelCostContains the current price information of each subscription plan.
ReadModelManagedUsersContains the managed portal users per subscription plan and service.
ReadModelOverviewContains the overview of each subscription plan.
This table only keeps the recent information aggregated by the Adobe CC Integration connector.
ReadModelOverviewSummaryContains the overview summary of each tenant portal.
This table only keeps the recent information aggregated by Adobe CC Integration connector.
ReportAllAdobeCcUsersContains all of the Adobe CC portal users and their assigned licenses for the tenant.
ReportAllAppsUsersWithLowUsageContains all the users assigned to the All Apps plan, but that have low usage.
ReportUnlinkedUsersContains all the portal users who are not linked to a Snow License Manager user.
ReportUnusedLicensesContains all licenses assigned to a user but with no activity within the last 90 days for assigned licenses.


The database table Dbo.tblCID contains Customer ID and a column for TenantID. The TenantID can be used to search in the Adobe Creative Cloud service log.

Log location

The default folder for log files is C:\Program files\Snow Software\Logs \AdobeCC.

Service dependencies

Some services are dependent on each other in Snow License Manager. Snow Update Service will start the services in the correct order. To ensure that Windows starts the services in correct order after a reboot, the following dependencies are added to the services:


If a service is started without its dependency, it will make five attempts to connect to the other service. If it fails, the service stops.

SnowLicenseManagerEventStoreService was removed in Snow License Manager 9.14.

SnowLicenseManagerAdobeCCBFF service was introduced in Snow License Manager 9.15.

For more information on the services used in Adobe Creative Cloud functionality, see Services in Snow License Manager.