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Adobe Creative Cloud data tables

This section lists all relational and event-sourced data tables in the Adobe Creative Cloud data model and the schema changes introduced in different versions.

Schema changes

The table shows the schema changes in Snow License Manager version 9.8.1 as compared to version 9.8.0.

adobecc.PortalAdded in version 9.8.1
adobecc.SubscriptionPlanAdded in version 9.8.1
adobecc.UserAdded in version 9.8.1
adobecc. MigrationProgressAdded in version 9.8.1
adobecc.ProjectionsRemoved in version 9.8.1
adobecc.ProjectionsTrackingRemoved in version 9.8.1

Temporary tables

These tables are used temporarily during the migration between Snow License Manager 9.20 and 9.21:

  • adocecc.MigrationHistoricalProgress

  • adocecc.MigrationHistoricalSubscriptionPlan

  • adocecc.MigrationHistoricalSubscriptionPlanPrice


The table adobecc.MigrationProgress contains the information related to the event migration from EventStore database to MSSQL database.

The migration takes place on Snow License Manager 9.8.1 from EventStore db to SnowLicenseManager's ew schema: TenantSource and Event tables.

Column nameDescription
DataNot completed migration data.
If the Adobe CC service shuts down during migration, the process will start from where it stopped, in the next run.
SequenceNumberThe sequence number of the latest migrated event.
The sequence number is -1 if there is no event to migrate.
IsCompletedThe status of the migration.
SavedThe date when the migration was completed, and all events were successfully saved to ew.Event table.


The table adobecc.Import contains queued aggregations from Adobe Creative Cloud Integration Connector.

Column nameDescription
TenantIDThe identity of the tenant.
ImportIDThe identity of the import.
AddedDateThe saved date of the aggregation.
JsonPayloadJson payload. 
Portal, Subscription plans, and portal users data.


The table adobecc.Portal contains all Adobe Creative Cloud portals of the tenant.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
InstanceNameThe account instance name of the portal.
LastImportDateLast aggregation date.


The table adobecc.SubscriptionPlan contains the portal subscription plans of the tenant.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
SubscriptionPlanIdThe subscription plan's unique id.
SubscriptionPlanSKUThe name of the subscription plan (AccountSKU, unique).
FriendlyNameThe friendly name of the subscription plan.
UserCountThe subscription plan's user count (sum of all PRODUCT_PROFILE groups' user count data of the subscription plan).
LicenseQuotaThe subscription plan’s license quota (sum of all PRODUCT_PROFILE groups' license quota data of the subscription plan).
Note: LicenseQuota sets to UserCount if the subscription plan has UNLIMITED license quota.
PriceChangesThe price change of the subscription plan.
The column contains historical data.
ServicesThe services list of the subscription plan.
ProfilesThe list of PRODUCT_PROFILE groups of the subscription plan.
IsPaidIdentifies if the subscription plan is free of charge or not.


The table adobecc.User contains the portal users of the tenant.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
Email*The user's Adobe Email address.
Username*The user's Adobe username.
AdobeId*The user's Adobe Id.
AdobeUserGroups*The user's all Adobe groups. (Comma separated)
FirstName*The user's first name.
LastName*The user’s last name.
SlmIdsThe user’s Snow License Manager Ids. (Comma separated)
SubscriptionPlansThe user's subscription plan licenses. (Comma separated)
ActivitiesThe user’s activities. (Json array)
Country*The user’s country.
Domain*The user’s domain.
Status*The user’s status.
Type*The user's type.


The table adobecc.Insights contains the generated insights by the Adobe CC service for the tenant portal.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
TypeThe insight's type.
Adobe CC service has the following Insight types shown in the user interface:
  • PlanWithoutService
  • SingleLicenseSuggestion
  • UnlinkedUsers
  • UnmanagedUsers
  • UnusedLicenses
NumericValueThe insight's numeric value.
Example: UnusedLicenses insight: NumericValue column shows total number of unused licenses.
CostValueThe insight's cost value.
Example: UnusedLicenses insight: CostValue column shows total cost of unused licenses.
This column will be NULL if the type of insight does not represent a cost value. For instance, UnlinkedUsers insight has no connection with cost.
CurrencyThe insight's cost currency (EUR, USD, SEK etc.).
OptionalDataThe insight’s optional data information might be used in Adobe CC user interface.
Example: PlanWithoutService insight's optional data: {"Plans": ["Illustrator CC", "Creative Cloud All Apps"],"TotalLicenses":5}


The table adobecc.ReadModelOverview contains the overview of each subscription plan. This table keeps only the recent information aggregated by Adobe CC Integration connector.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
SubscriptionPlanNameThe name of the subscription plan (AccountSKU, unique).
TotalLicensesThe subscription plan's number of total licenses.
UsedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of used licenses.
UnassignedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unassigned licenses.
AssignedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of assigned licenses.
UnusedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unused licenses.
UnlinkedUsersThe subscription plan's total number of unlinked users.
TotalLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of total licenses.
UsedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of used licenses.
UnassignedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unassigned licenses.
UnusedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unused licenses.
UnlinkedUsersCostThe subscription plan's cost of unlinked users.
AssignedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of assigned licenses.
HasServicesIdentifies if the subscription plan has any services or not.
Note: Run SRS sync if there are any plans without services.
TotalUsersThe number of total users per subscription plan.
Added in Snow License Manager 9.21.0.


The table adobecc.ReadModelOverviewSummary contains the overview summary of each tenant portal. This table keeps only the recent information aggregated by the Adobe CC Integration connector.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
TotalLicensesThe subscription plan's number of total licenses.
UsedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of used licenses.
UnlinkedUsersThe subscription plan's total number of unlinked users.
UnusedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unused licenses.
UnassignedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unassigned licenses.
TotalUsersThe subscription plan’s number of total users.
TotalLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of total licenses.
UsedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of used licenses.
UnassignedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unassigned licenses.
UnusedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unused licenses.
UnlinkedUsersCostThe subscription plan's cost of unlinked users.
UpdatedThe updated date of the read model (is updated a couple of seconds or minutes after the import date).


The table adobecc.ReadModelCost contains the current price information of each subscription plan.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
SubscriptionPlanNameThe name of the subscription plan (AccountSKU, unique).
ValidFromThe date from when the price change is valid from.
CurrencyCurrency of the price information.
Note: Adobe CC does not support multiple currencies.
PriceThe subscription plan's total number of unused licenses.


The table adobecc.ReadModelManagedUsers contains the managed portal users per subscription plan and service.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
AdobeUserEmailThe user's Adobe Email address.
SubscriptionPlanNameThe name of the subscription plan (AccountSKU, unique).
ServiceIdThe unique Id of the subscription plan's service.


The table adobecc.ReportAllAdobeCcUsers contains all of the Adobe CC portal users and their assigned licenses for tenant.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
AdobeUserEmailThe user's Adobe Email address.
FirstNameThe user's first name.
LastNameThe user's last name.
AssignedLicensesThe user's subscription plan licenses. (Comma separated)
UsedProductsThe products which has been used by the user. (Comma separated)
AdobeUserGroupsThe user's Adobe user groups. (Comma separated)
CountryThe user's country.
LastActivityStatusThe user's last activity.
Added in Snow License Manager 9.22.0.


The table adobecc.ReportAllAppsUsersWithLowUsage contains all the users assigned to the All Apps plan, but that have low usage.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
AdobeUserEmailThe user's Adobe Email address.
FirstNameThe user's first name.
LastNameThe user's last name.
UsedProductsThe products which has been using by the user. (Comma separated)
AdobeUserGroupsThe user's Adobe user groups. (Comma separated)
CountryThe user's country.
SingleLicensesCostThe cost of single application licenses (if available).
PotentialSaveThe total amount of potential saving, if the user's plan would be changed from an All Apps plan to a Single App plan.


The table adobecc.ReportUnlinkedUsers contains all the portal users who are not linked to a Snow License Manager User.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
AdobeUserEmailThe user's Adobe Email address.
FirstNameThe user's first name.
LastNameThe user's last name.
AssignedLicensesThe user's subscription plan licenses. (Comma separated)


The table adobecc.ReportUnusedLicenses contains all licenses assigned to a user that have not been used for at least last 90 days.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
SubscriptionPlanNameThe subscription plan’s name (AccountSKU).
AdobeUserEmailThe user’s Adobe Email address.
FirstNameThe user's first name.
LastNameThe user's last name.
AdobeUserGroupsThe user's Adobe user groups. (Comma separated)
CountryThe user's country.
LastUsedThe user’s last used date for the Adobe CC subscription plan.
LicenseCostThe price for the subscription plan.
CurrencyCurrency of the price information.
Note: Adobe CC does not support multiple currencies.


The table adobecc.MigrationHistoricalProgress contains the information related to the activity migration from EventWarehouse.

This table was added in Snow License Manager 9.21.0.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
YearThe year of the data period.
MonthThe month of the data period.
SequenceNumberThe number of the last processed sequence number.
IsCompletedThe status of the import process.
SavedThe status time stamp.


The table adobecc.ReadModelMonthlyOverviewBreakdown contains the overview of each subscription plan per month. The table contains historical data.

This table was added in Snow License Manager 9.21.0.

Column nameDescription
TenantIdThe identity of the tenant.
PortalIdThe identity of the portal.
SubscriptionPlanNameThe name of the subscription plan (AccountSKU, unique).
YearThe year of the breakdown.
MonthThe month of the breakdown.
TotalLicensesThe subscription plan's number of total licenses.
UsedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of used licenses.
UnassignedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unassigned licenses.
AssignedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of assigned licenses.
UnusedLicensesThe subscription plan's total number of unused licenses.
UnlinkedUsersThe subscription plan's total number of unlinked users.
TotalLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of total licenses.
UsedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of used licenses.
UnassignedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unassigned licenses.
UnusedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of unused licenses.
UnlinkedUsersCostThe subscription plan's cost of unlinked users.
AssignedLicensesCostThe subscription plan's cost of assigned licenses.
TotalUsersThe number of total users per subscription plan.
HasServicesIdentifies if the subscription plan has any services or not.