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Adobe Creative Cloud data model

This section describes the Adobe Creative Cloud data model that was introduced in Snow License Manager 9.8.1. All data tables and the schema changes are listed in Adobe Creative Cloud data tables.

Adobe Creative Cloud data is processed and stored as relational and event-sourced data models.

Relational data tables hold a current state of the data, mirroring Adobe Creative Cloud portal data collected through the Snow Integration Connector and then enriched by Snow Inventory data and manual inputs from the Snow License Manager user interface.

The following tables are added to adobecc database schema:

  • Portal

  • SubscriptionPlan

  • User

Event-sourced data tables track changes by using the following events:

  • PortalAddedEvent

  • PortalInstanceNameUpdatedEvent

  • PortalRemovedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanAddedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanLicenseQuotaUpdatedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanPriceUpdatedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanProfileAddedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanProfileRemovedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanRemovedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanServicesUpdatedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanUpdatedEvent

  • SubscriptionPlanUserCountUpdatedEvent

  • UserActivityEvent

  • UserRemovedEvent

Snow Event Warehouse

Snow License Manager uses the service Snow Event Warehouse to store event data. Snow Event Warehouse was introduced in Snow License Manager v9.6.2 as a replacement of the EventStore service. Snow Event Warehouse has the following important implementation details:

  • The data is stored in the same Microsoft SQL database as Snow License Manager data. The data is stored in the following tables in the ew schema:

    • ew.Event

    • ew.TenantSource

  • The service communication is implemented via NATS messaging system.

  • The service performance is optimized to Snow needs.


Any manual data updates, or deletions, applied to any table in the ew schema is considered as data corruption actions and thus renders Snow unable to provide any support.