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Data file queue


This module is used to save copies of inventory-data files. This can be useful to save copies of the snowpack files that are otherwise processed by Snow Inventory Server and subsequently deleted, for example for migration and troubleshooting purposes.

IncomingFolderThe base folder from where inventory files are retrieved for processing.
IncomingFolder = C:\Program Files\Snow Software\Snow Inventory\Server\Incoming
Files are retrieved from <IncomingFolder>\data\processing
EnableFileHistorySet to true, copies of inventory files will be saved.
Set to false, copies of inventory files will not be saved.
Default = false
Copies of inventory files are saved in <IncomingFolder>\data\history
EnableFileHistoryForAllDataSet to true, inventory files and files that contain heartbeat information will be saved.
Set to false, only inventory files will be saved.
Default = false
Copies of files that contain heartbeat information are saved in <IncomingFolder>\data\history

Copies of inventory-data files are not automatically deleted. Make sure to delete them manually from time to time to prevent a full disk.

<Module typeName="DataFileQueueModule">
<Setter propertyName="IncomingFolder">"C:\\Program Files\\Snow Software\\Snow Inventory\\Server\\Incoming"</Setter>
<Setter propertyName="EnableFileHistory">false</Setter>
<Setter propertyName="EnableFileHistoryForAllData">false</Setter>