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Work with views

Custom views can be added, edited, and deleted on the Devices and the Discovery pages. A custom view can be created from scratch or by copying an already existing view.

Add view

To add a view:

  • Click Add view.

    The View editor wizard appears.


On the Name page, type a Name for the view.


On the Columns page, select which columns to show in the view:

  1. Scroll the list or type the information to search for in the Available columns box.

    The search result is then displayed in the list below.

  2. Include all parameters by selecting a category, or expand the category to only select a certain parameter.

  3. Click BlueButtonArrowRight.jpg to add the column to the view.

    The selected information is moved to the Selected columns list.

  4. Repeat for all required columns.


On the Filter page, optionally add one or more filter criteria for the view:

  1. Select what to filter for in the Show rows where list.

  2. Select operator, and set value (when applicable).

  3. Click BlueButtonPlusSign.png to add another criterion, or click Add group to add a group of criteria.

  4. Click Save to save the view and close the View editor wizard.

Edit view


Only custom views can be edited.

  1. Select the view in the list, and then click Edit view.

    The View editor wizard appears.

  2. Make the changes.

  3. Click Save to save the changes and close the View editor wizard.

Copy view

  1. Select the view in the list, and then click Copy view.

    The Save view as dialog box appears.

  2. Type a descriptive name of the view.

  3. Click OK to save the copied view and close the Save view as dialog box.

Delete view


Only custom views can be deleted.

  1. Select the view in the list and click Delete view.

  2. A message is displayed where the deletion needs to be confirmed.

  3. The view is removed from the list.