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Create a new agent update

An agent update may consist of a new version of the Snow Inventory Agent, and/or support files to be updated or removed.

About support files

  • A support file can, for example, be a PowerShell script or a JAR file.

  • If you want to include an updated agent configuration file in the agent update, you can add it as a support file. The file must be named snowagent.config.

  • PowerShell scripts provided via Snow Update Service (SUS) can by default be found on the Snow Inventory Master Server in:

    %ProgramData%\SnowSoftware\Inventory\Resources\Powershell Scripts

  • If you want to include any Snow-provided JAR files (all platforms) or the xMetering2 file (macOS) as support files in the agent update, you must also include the accompanying SIGN file.

    The snowagent binary also requires a SIGN file, but it is automatically added together with the binary when selecting the agent version in the wizard.

    You cannot include custom JAR files in the agent update, since you cannot sign them with a key trusted by Snow.


    SIGN files are required in the update if the already deployed version of the agent is 7.0.0 or later for Windows, Linux, or macOS and version 8.0.0 or later for Unix.


To create a new agent update:

  1. In the category view, select Agent updates.

  2. Select Create new.

    The Create new update wizard appears.

  3. Enter information according to the following sections.


On the General page:

  1. Enter a Name and a Description of the new update.

  2. Select the Target operating system that the agent update will be created for.


To include a new version of an agent:

  1. Select the Install agent check box, and then select the agent version from the list.

  2. To allow for installation of an older version than the currently installed, select the Allow downgrade of agent version check box.

To include new support files:

  1. In the Add support files section, select Add.

    The file browser appears.

  2. Browse for the file to be added, and then select Open.

    The file is added to the File list.

  • Remember to add the accompanying SIGN file, if any. For more information on support files in general and SIGN files in particular, see About support files.

To remove a support file from the agent:

  1. In the Delete support files section, select Add.

    The Delete support file dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the name of the file to be deleted, and then select Add.

    The file is added to the File list.


Select where to find the targets of the agent update by specifying one or more sites.

  1. In the Site(s) section, select Add.

  2. Select a site in the list, and then select Add.

    The site is added to the Site list.

  3. To add all sites to the list, select Add all.

By default, all devices in the site will be targets for the update. To target a subset of the devices, use the Configurations, Devices, or View options.


  1. In the Subset section, select the Configurations option.

  2. In the Configurations section, select Add.

  3. Select a configuration in the list, and then select Add.

    The site is added to the Configurations list.


  1. In the Subset section, select the Devices option.

  2. In the Devices section, select Add.

  3. Type a device name in the Add device box, and then select Search.

  4. In the search result list, select the device, and then select Add.

    The device is added to the Devices list.


  1. In the Subset section, select the View option.

  2. Select a View in the list.


Decide to either publish the update immediately or to schedule it to a future date and time, for example an upcoming service window. To publish the update immediately, just click Next. Otherwise, follow the steps below:

  1. In the Start time section, set a date and time for when the server will notify the agents that that there is an update available.

  2. To configure a time frame for when the agent can run the update, select the Use local service window check box and set Start time and End time.


In the last step, a Summary of all settings is displayed. Select Publish to activate the agent update, or select Previous to go back and make changes to the settings.