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Inventory servers view

On the Inventory Servers page all servers in the Inventory platform are presented: Database server, Master servers, and Service gateways.


The following commands are available on the Inventory Servers page:

ExportExport the information as it is displayed in the Inventory Servers view to file. Any grouping or sorting will apply.
SearchShow (or hide) the search box
RefreshRefresh the content of the view
Show detailsView details of a selected Inventory server
Delete serverDelete the selected item. This removes all of its records, including device and discovery data. If it server is still active it will reappear in this list.

Server details

To see details of a specific Inventory server, double-click the server or select the server in the list and then click Show details.

A summary is displayed in the main window, and a container for the server is added under Inventory servers in the category structure.

The Discovery interfaces section shows whether or not the network interface exists and is turned on (Active = Yes / No), and is configured for discovery (Enable= Yes / No). Discovery will only be performed for interfaces that are both Active and Enabled.

To configure a network interface for discovery, see Manage Discovery configuration.