Platform overview
The Snow Inventory Server infrastructure consists of one or more Snow Inventory databases and Master Server instances, and Snow Inventory Agents for one or several platforms. In more complex IT environments Service Gateway instances can be implemented for both load-balancing and scalability purposes. This makes it possible to have the Snow Inventory Agents configured with multiple Service Gateways when sending and receiving data, to have fallback options if one of the Service Gateways is unavailable.
Component | Description |
Snow Inventory Agents | Snow Inventory Agents are responsible for collecting software information, software usage (metering), hardware specifications, and user information from the computers and mobile devices within the organization. Each agent sends its inventory result to a Master Server instance for processing, either directly or via a Service Gateway instance. For detailed information, see Snow Inventory Agents and Oracle Scanners. |
Snow Integration Manager | Inventory information can be collected from third-party inventory tools and virtualization technologies via Snow Integration Manager using Snow Integration Connectors. For detailed information, see Snow Integration Manager. |
Snow Integration Connectors | Snow Integration Connectors can automatically consolidate data from multiple inventory tools into a single view of all software and hardware assets from across the network and beyond. All data imported through a Snow Integration Connector is automatically processed through the Software Recognition Service to ensure the accuracy of software titles, versions, and more. For detailed information, see . |
Service Gateway | To ensure high availability of Snow Inventory Server, Service Gateway instances can be configured for load-balancing. Service Gateway instances could also serve as proxies in segmented networks or remote business units. |
Master Server | The Master Server instance receives the inventory data reported by the agents, processes the data and writes it into the Snow Inventory database. Also, it processes and writes Discovery data to the database. The Master Server instance must have a direct connection to the Snow Inventory database. |
Standalone Receiver | The Standalone Receiver can be used in environments where the agents are not allowed to communicate directly with a Master Server or a Service Gateway. This can be the case in companies with high-security requirements or in environments with no internet access. The Standalone Receiver instance receives inventory data from the agents and any SIM connectors, and then saves the data either locally or to a file share. A process must then be in place for transferring the inventory data from the "isolated" environment to the Master Server or any Service Gateway. |
Snow Inventory database | The Snow Inventory database is used for storing the inventory data reported by the Snow Inventory Agents. It is a Microsoft SQL Server database. There can only be one database per Master Server. |
Discovery site name | Used for identification of the Snow Inventory server and for all discovery data. A Discovery site name can be of a geographical or organizational nature, or any other that will suit the needs. Example: A Master Server is to be set up to communicate with Service Gateways and/or devices in the Nordic countries. To be able to identify all discovered devices from those regions in Snow Inventory Server, the Master Server will group them into discovery site NORDICS. |