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Configure the scan schedule

Configure the scan schedule if you want Snow Inventory Agent for Linux to scan at another frequency or point in time than the default setting, which is every day at 21:00.

Add custom scan schedule to installation package

To add a custom scan schedule to the Linux agent installation package, specify the periodicity in a cron configuration file, named snowcron.conf, and add it to the installation package via the Upload additional files field in Package Builder.

During installation, the snowcron script will run automatically and execute on the contents of the cron configuration file.

Change the scan schedule

You can change the scan schedule of an installed agent, either by using a cron configuration file, or by specifying the periodicity directly on the command line. Both options are described below.

Option 1, change the scan schedule with a cron configuration file:

  1. Replace the current snowcron.conf file in the working directory with the new one.

  2. Run the following snowcron command on the command line:

    cd /opt/snow

    ./snowcron -f /opt/snow/snowcron.conf /opt/snow/snowagent

Option 2, change the scan schedule without a cron configuration file:

Specify the new periodicity on the command line. For example:

./snowcron "0 21 * * *" /opt/snow/snowagent


If you are running the Linux agent as a user with limited privileges, you must use the -u command line option to specify the scan schedule for the user. For more information, see Command line options.

For a user named snow, the above commands would look like the following.

Option 1: ./snowcron -u snow -f /opt/snow/snowcron.conf /opt/snow/snowagent

Option 2: ./snowcron -u snow "0 21 * * *" /opt/snow/snowagent

Remove the scan schedule

To remove scheduling, run the following snowcron command on the command line:

cd /opt/snow

./snowcron -r /opt/snow/snowagent

This will remove the scheduling altogether and the agent will not run any scan unless a new schedule is added.