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Oracle scanners

The security-related configurations for the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanners are listed below.

Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner

Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner can be configured via both the Agent configuration file, snowagent.config, and the Snow Inventory Oracle Scanner configuration file, sios.config.

The following security aspects can be configured:

  • Default instance credentials

    To specify the default credentials used in the scans, use the Oracle element of snowagent.config. For more information, see Oracle.

  • Default instance credentials in mixed environments

    To use the default instance credentials in mixed environments with both container and non-container databases, you must additionally configure the <UseMixedCredentials> element in sios.config. For more information, see Enable default instance credentials in mixed environments.

  • Navigate to correct temporary working directory

    To be able to run the scanner in combination with a security policy that changes the CWD (Current Working Directory) on OS user logon, the <FileSystemSecurityModule> element in sios.config can be used. For more information, see Configure the scanner to work with forced change of CWD on OS user logon.

Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner

You can configure Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner to anonymize scanned data by using the <Anonymization> element in the Snow Inventory Oracle Middleware Scanner configuration file, snowmiddlewarescanner.config. For more information, see Configure the scanner to anonymize data.

Snow Inventory Java Scanner

You can use the Snow Inventory Java Scanner configuration file, sijs.config to configure the security level of the scanner. For more information, see Configure the security level of the scanner.

Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner

There are no specific security-related configurations for Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner.