Configuration reference
Refer to this page for the complete specifications of the available elements and settings in the agent configuration file, snowagent.config
All elements are case-sensitive.
To ensure the correct functioning of the agent, the syntax of the agent configuration file must be correct. Only edit the file if you have adequate knowledge of the file and its contents.
You can download agent configuration file templates from this public GitHub repository: .
Configuration is the root element of the agent configuration file. An element with minOccurs="0" that is not presented in the xml file will have a Null value. Every system shall have a default settings.xml file that decides what value should be the default if none is given. The order the client should do this is to first read the default xml file and after that write over these values with the values in the user's xml file.
Each child element of the root element is described below.
Configuration > Agent
Required. Basic information about the agent deployment, such as site and configuration name.
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > Agent > SiteName
Required. The name of the site that the agent belongs to. The site is used to identify the origin of the data files when transmitted to the server.
Configuration > Agent > ConfigName
Required. The name of the configuration.
Configuration > Schedule
Only applicable to the Windows agent. Schedule tasks to run on a recurring interval. The element is optional but must be provided in the configuration for automatic scans to be performed.
<Schedule enabled="...">
Attribute: enabled
Values: true, false
The child element is described below.
Configuration > Schedule > Task
The task that will be run by the agent. Can be empty.
Element | Child element | Description |
Action | N/A | Required. Action to be performed. Performs a scan of the machine and sends the result the to server. Value: scan |
Occurance | Required. How often to stage a certain task. | |
AtStart | Will stage task at start of agent (service init). Values: true, false | |
Daily | Do the action on a daily basis. Values: true, false | |
Weekly | Do the action on a weekly basis. Values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday | |
Monthly | The day of month the task will be executed. If the day of the month is outside the range of that month, run action the last day in that month. For example, in February this would become the 28th or 29th. Example: 30 | |
TimeOfDay | N/A | For backwards compatibility, the format is very flexible. Any string containing two digits followed by a delimiter and two more digits is accepted. Scheduling works on a resolution of minutes. Examples:
Randomize | N/A | Only applicable to daily, weekly and monthly schedule types. The allowed maximum number of minutes offset from time of day when a scan should occur on schedule. A greater value can help spread out the load on server infrastructure as it is unlikely that many agents will then report back simultaneously. |
Configuration > Meter
Only applicable to the Windows agent. Metering rules.
<Meter enabled="...">
Attribute: enabled
Values: true, false
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > Meter > Exclude
Specifies what software should be excluded from scan.
Element | Description |
Path | Exclude software based on a set of simple string matching rules, as described in Software > Exclude. Examples:
Configuration > Meter > Span
Required. Time span for metering.
Element | Description |
StartTime | Required. Example: PT09H10 All components (PThhHmmM) are required! |
EndTime | Required. Example: PT09H10 All components (PThhHmmM) are required! |
Configuration > Meter > Occurance
Required. List of days when metering should be done.
Element | Description |
Weekday | Specify day(s) that metering will occur on. Values: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday |
Configuration > Software
Defines what should be included in the agent's next scan.
In addition to the paths specified in this element, additional criteria affect the selection of files for the scan. These criteria are detailed in the user guide for the respective agent.
For Windows, software from the following locations is included by default: desktop, user profile, start menu, uninstall information, and running processes.
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > Software > Include
Specifies what software should be included in the scan based on file system locations.
<Path recursive="..." unconditionally="...">...</Path>
Element | Description |
Path | Each specified Include path will be considered a starting point for the scan. If no Include path is specified for Linux, Unix, or macOS, no files will be included in the scan. If no Include path is specified for Windows, all local drives will be considered starting points for the scan. Note that this means that a complete file system scan will take place, unless any paths to exclude from the scan have been specified in the Exclude element. An Include path:
c: etc.) or root (/ ), and does not include a path separator (\ or / ) will be interpreted as a file name extension and will be added to the endpoints of each specified Include path.Include path examples:
Configuration > Software > IncludeCriteria
Additional criteria that must be fulfilled for software to be included in the result.
For each type of criterion, at least one (if any) of the criteria must match. For example, if multiple extensions have been specified it is enough if one extension matches, but if extensions and manufacturers have both been specified, there has to be at least one matching extension and manufacturer.
Element | Description |
Manufacturer | Only applicable to the Windows agent. May be specified multiple times. If software is to be included, it must match at least one manufacturer filter. Note: The manufacturer criteria can only be applied if the manufacturer can be determined. |
FileSystem | Only applicable to the UNIX agent. May be specified multiple times. If scanning for software reaches a directory that is a mount point the scanning will not continue scanning the directory further if the file system is not listed. Example: jsf |
FileType | Only applicable to the Windows and Unix agents May be specified multiple times. If software is to be included, it must match one of the file types specified. Examples:
Configuration > Software > Exclude
Specifies what software should be excluded from scan.
Element | Description |
Path | May be specified multiple times. Locations matching an Exclude path will be excluded from the scan. An Exclude path:
FileSystem | Only applicable to the Linux and macOS agents. May be specified multiple times. Software exclusions based on the file system type. |
Configuration > Registry
Only applicable to the Windows agent. Include additional information from the Windows Registry in the scan result.
Using this will replace the default behavior entirely. Utilizing the Collect Custom Registry Keys powershell extension is the preferred method.
<Registry enabled="...">
Attribute: enabled
Values: true, false
The child element is described below.
Configuration > Registry > Query
Represents a registry query (Windows specific). The query will be used to search for a set of values that will be included as custom registry information in the scan result.
<Key recursive="...">...</Key>
Element | Description |
Key | Required. The sub key (and registry hive) to scan. Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT Attribute: recursive Specifies whether to perform a recursive search starting at the sub key specified. Values: true, false Note: It may take considerable time to perform a recursive scan, if the starting point is a key with many items underneath it. Use recursive queries sparsely. |
Value | Required. May be specified multiple times. Each value represents the name of a value and if found at any location during query will result in that value being included in the scan result. Example: Version |
Configuration > Logging
Control the log output.
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > Logging > MaxSize
Maximum allowed file size of the log file in KiB.
- Windows/Linux/macOS: 2048
- Unix: 16384
Configuration > Logging > Level
Specify log level. Each log level includes the preceding log level.
Values: error, warning, info, trace, verbose
Default: error
Configuration > Logging > Tag
Enable tagged log output. Tagged log output represents logging of a specific type or source and log independently of any log level set. Some tags (such as the metering tag) are very verbose and should only be enabled during troubleshooting of any metering related issue.
Configuration > Logging > Syslog
Only applicable to the POSIX agent. Control the syslog output.
<Syslog enabled="...">
Attribute: enabled
Values: true, false
Default: false
Element | Description |
Level | Specify log level. Each log level includes the preceding log level. Values: error, warning, info, trace, verbose Default: error |
Tag | Enable tagged log output. Tagged log output represents logging of a specific type or source and log independently of any log level set. Some tags (such as the metering tag) are very verbose and should only be enabled during troubleshooting of any metering related issue. |
Configuration > Server
Required. Specify server endpoints. Each endpoint represents a possible path for the agent to the server.
When establishing a connection to the server the agent simply choses an endpoint randomly from the list of available endpoints until each endpoint has been attempted at least once before giving up. The first endpoint that results in a successful connection will be used for the remainder of the session.
The child element is described below.
Configuration > Server > Endpoint
Required. May be specified multiple times. A server endpoint that the agent will use to connect to the server infrastructure.
Element | Child element | Description |
Address | N/A | Required. Specify the server URI in the following format: scheme://hostname:port/ .Supported URI schemes are http and https . |
Proxy | Proxy settings to use for this endpoint. If proxy settings are not specified any proxy server support is explicitly disabled for this endpoint. | |
Server | Required when using the Proxy element. Specify the address for this proxy server. | |
Credentials | Credentials used to authenticate connection with HTTP proxy server. Note: Only basic authentication is supported. Child elements:
| |
ClientCertificate | The client certificate used to secure the connection between agent and server. | |
FileName | The file name of a client certificate to use, relative to the current installation location. | |
Password | The password to use if the client certificate has been password protected. Note: Passwords need to be provided in encrypted form. | |
ServerPublicKeyHash | N/A | Base64-encoded sha256 hash of the Inventory server certificate public key. The string should start with sha256// Example: sha256//YhKJKSzoTt2b5FP18fvpHo7fJYqQCjAa3HWY3tvRMwE= |
Configuration > DropLocation
A drop location can be a folder, HTTP endpoint or UNC file path and specifies an additional delivery location for scan results. Only used when the agent normally sends the result to the server.
Drop locations are not subject to retry policies. If a drop location does not receive the scan result (for any reason), the scan result will not be resent to that drop location at a later date.
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > DropLocation > Network
Only applicable to the Windows agent. May be specified multiple times.
Element | Child element | Description |
Credentials | Credentials to use when connecting to a network share as a specific user. | |
Domain | ||
UserName | ||
Password | ||
Location | N/A |
Configuration > DropLocation > Path
May be specified multiple times.
Example: \\server\folder
Configuration > DropLocation > Endpoint
Element | Child element | Description |
Address | N/A | Required. Specify the server URI in the following format: scheme://hostname:port/ .Supported URI schemes are http and https . |
Proxy | Proxy settings to use for this endpoint. If proxy settings are not specified any proxy server support is explicitly disabled for this endpoint. | |
Server | Required when using the Proxy element. Specify the address for this proxy server. | |
Credentials | Credentials used to authenticate connection with HTTP proxy server. Note: Only basic authentication is supported. Child elements:
| |
ClientCertificate | The client certificate used to secure the connection between agent and server. | |
FileName | The file name of a client certificate to use, relative to the current installation location. | |
Password | The password to use if the client certificate has been password protected. Note: Passwords need to be provided in encrypted form. | |
ServerPublicKeyHash | N/A | Base64-encoded sha256 hash of the Inventory server certificate public key. The string should start with sha256// Example: sha256//YhKJKSzoTt2b5FP18fvpHo7fJYqQCjAa3HWY3tvRMwE= |
Configuration > Oracle
Information used in the SIOS component for Oracle database inventory.
<Oracle enabled="..." debug="...">
- enabled
Values: true, false - debug
Determines if additional information is included in the snowpack for diagnostic purposes.
Values: true, false
Each child element is described below.
Configuration > Oracle > Environment
<Item variable="..." value="..." />
Element | Description |
Item | Specifies a single environment variable to be set. Attributes: variable, value |
Configuration > Oracle > DefaultInstanceCredentials
Credentials used in all Oracle scans if there is no specific credentials for a SID. May be left out if automatic scan is used or instance specific credentials are entered.
<DefaultInstanceCredentials UseTNS="...">
Attribute: UseTNS
Element | Description |
UserName | |
Password |
Configuration > Oracle > Oratab
Specifies the location of the Oratab file to be used to read ORACLE HOME from. This setting is overridden by an OracleHome element in the Instance element.
Configuration > Oracle > InstancesWithConfiguration
<Credentials UseTNS="...">
<Item variable="..." value="..." />
Element | Child element | Description |
Instance | Defines the SID and can also contain credentials for the SID. You can also point to an Oracle home path. | |
SID | Required. | |
Credentials | Attribute: UseTNS Child elements:
| |
OracleHome | Path to the Oracle home directory. Used if the scanner cannot find the path automatically. | |
Environment | Child element:
| |
UnixUser | Only applicable to the Linux and Unix agents. |
Configuration > Oracle > Include
List of what should be included in the Oracle database scan.
<Credentials UseTNS="...">
<Item variable="..." value="..." />
Element | Child element | Description |
AllInstances | N/A | Controls if all instances should be found and scanned. Default: true |
Instance | Defines the SID and can also contain credentials for the SID. You can also point to an Oracle home path. | |
SID | Required. | |
Credentials | Attribute: UseTNS Child elements:
| |
OracleHome | Path to the Oracle home directory. Used if the scanner cannot find the path automatically. | |
Environment | Child element:
| |
UnixUser | Only applicable to the Linux and Unix agents. |
Configuration > Oracle > Exclude
List of what should be excluded from the Oracle database scan.
<Credentials UseTNS="...">
<Item variable="..." value="..." />
Element | Child element | Description |
Instance | Defines the SID and can also contain credentials for the SID. You can also point to an Oracle home path. | |
SID | Required. | |
Credentials | Attribute: UseTNS Child elements:
| |
OracleHome | Path to the Oracle home directory. Used if the scanner cannot find the path automatically. | |
Environment | Child element:
| |
UnixUser | Only applicable to the Linux and Unix agents. |
Configuration > SystemSettings
System settings that override the default behavior of the agent. Use with care.
<Setting key="..." value="..." />
The format of the value will vary depending on the type of setting. See each setting for more information.
Setting key | Description |
privacy.hide_user | Only applicable to the Windows and POSIX agents. Replace the user name (anywhere present) with SHA-1 hash of the user name (UTF-8 byte representation). Values: true, false Default: false |
privacy.hide_ip | Only applicable to the Windows and POSIX agents. Replace the IP address (anywhere present) with SHA-1 hash of the IP address (UTF-8 byte representation). Values: true, false Default: false |
env.allowonlyonescanperday | Only applicable to the Linux and OS X agents. If set, only one scan per day will be allowed by the agent. Values: true, false Default: false |
env.emulate_os | For Snow internal use only. Only applicable to the Unix agent This value will decide what operating system and hardware will be used. It is the filename that is derived from this value that decides type of system. All mock files are placed in a directory named mockfiles. In that directory files named: mockfile*emulatedos_operation* are placed and read instead of the corresponding operating system command. |
env.java_home | If path to java cannot be found, or an incompatible version is set as default, this value can be used to identify a correct version. | | Used as a solution to problems with the standard shell installed. Points to a shell. Example: /bin/bash |
env.data_dir | If specified, overrides the directory in which the agent will store data files, such as scan results and metering (when applicable). Defaults to a sub directory data from where the agent is run. Note: The agent must have read and write access to this directory. |
env.temp_dir | If specified, overrides the directory where the agent will store temporary data files. Defaults to system default temporary directory. Note: The agent must have read and write access to this directory. |
env.log_dir | If specified, overrides the default log directory where the agent will store log files. Defaults to a sub directory data from where the agent is run. Note: The agent must have read and write access to this directory. |
http.ssl_verify | If false, the agent will not verify that any certificate used to secure communication is issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA). This setting is enabled by default and must be explicitly disabled if necessary. Caution: Disabling this option reduces overall security. Values: true, false Default: true |
http.ssl_capath | Only applicable to the Linux and macOS agents. Must be specified to use SSL/TLS. Specify the PEM file containing the Certificate or Certificate bundle. Equivalent to the curl flag --cacert Example: /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.pem |
http.timeout | The timeout in seconds for requests to the server endpoint. Default: 15 |
log.append | If true, the logfile will not be cleared upon a completed scan, i.e. it will be appended upon. This will cause subsequent snowpacks to contain log information from multiple scans. Values: true, false Default: false |
software.scan.dpkg | Only applicable to the Linux agent. Include information from the Debian package manager about installed software. Values: true, false Default: false |
software.scan.jar | Only applicable to the Windows, macOS, and Linux agents Enable software scan by scanning the metadata found in Java Archive (JAR) files. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.rpm | Only applicable to the Linux agent. Include information from the Red Hat package manager about installed software. Values: true, false Default: false |
software.scan.ips | Only applicable to the Unix agent. Include information from the Image Packaging System (IPS). Applicable to Solaris 11 and later. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.svr4 | Only applicable to the Unix agent. Include information from SVR4 packages. Applicable to Solaris 10 and previous versions. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.lpp | Only applicable to the Unix agent. Include information from Licensed Program Products. Applicable to AIX systems. Values: true, false Default: true | | Only applicable to the Unix agent. Include information from Software Distributor. Applicable to HP-UX systems. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.running_processes | Only applicable to the Linux and Unix agents. Scans running processes and adds them to the software scanning result, as a file system scan would. If used with file system scan, there is no distinction made between the results. A program found running and in a file system scan will be the same. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.add_latency | Defined in microseconds. When reading or processing large amounts of data/objects, add some extra latency between the objects to prevent the system from spending too much resource on this process. This might also be a good solution when scanning exceptionally fast drives, to keep the CPU usage down. Values: n >= 0 Default: 0 |
software.scan.enabled | Only applicable to the Windows agent. If disabled will override all software.scan.* settings. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.swidtags | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of swid tags. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.enabled | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of hardware, this will override any individual hardware.scan.* setting. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.device | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of installed device drivers. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.networkadapter | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of network adapters. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.userscan | Only applicable to the Windows agent. If disabled will override: software.scan.environmentvariables, software.scan.fileshare, hardware.scan.printer Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.environmentvariables | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of environment variables. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.fileshare | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of network shares. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.printer | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of printers that are setup on the system. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.displayadapter | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of installed display adapter. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.expansionslot | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Legacy support. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.fonts | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of installed fonts. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.ignore_bind_mounts | Only applicable to the Linux agent. If true, the agent will attempt to find bind mounts and add these to the list of directories to be ignored. Values: true, false Default: false |
software.scan.ignore_autofs_mounts | Only applicable to the Linux and Unix agents. If true, the agent will attempt to find detect autofs mounts and add these to the list of directories to be ignored. Values: true, false Default: false |
hardware.scan.keyboard | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached keyboard. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.logicaldisk | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of logical drives attached. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.loginuser | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of user login history. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.memory | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of memory. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.modem | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached modems. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.monitor | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached screen. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.mouse | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached mouse device. Values: true ,false Default: true |
hardware.scan.multimedia | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of installed media devices, i.e sound card. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.netclient | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of network clients or network services. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.netprotocol | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of NDIS protocols and CoNDIS stand-alone call managers. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.ntservice | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of services. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.odbc | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of ODBC data sources and related drivers. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.pci | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of pci devices. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.physicaldisk | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached physical disks. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.port | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of COM and LPT ports on the computer. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.processor | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of processor. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.scsi | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of SCSI devices. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.tapedrive | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of attached tape drives. Values: true, false Default: true |
hardware.scan.usb | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of usb devices. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.custominfo | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Currently "Custom reg keys" within the "default behaviour" concept. Values: true, false Default: true |
software.scan.virtualsoftwareinfo | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Disable or enable scanning of virtual software. Values: true, false Default: true |
metering.is_enabled | Only applicable to the Windows agent. Enable or disable metering. Values: true, false Default: true |
send.max_scan_result_backlog_count | Whenever a send failure occurs the scan result is kept (locally) until the next send opportunity. This setting controls the maximum number of results that can be kept around at any given time. When this limit is reached, the oldest result is deleted until the number of scan results are within the allowed limit. Values: positive integers Default: 90 |
powershell.enabled | Only applicable to the Windows agent. If true, Powershell scanning scripts will be executed. Values: true, false Default: true |
env.powershell_timeout | Only applicable to the Windows agent. The time in milliseconds the agent waits for all powershell scripts to finish. Note that this is for the whole session and not individual scripts. Values: positive integers above 300000 (5 minutes) Default: 300000 (5 minutes) |
powershell.encryption_key | DEPRECATED - Only applicable to the Windows agent 5 and 6. Custom encryption key for executing .snow-ps1 PowerShell scripts. Must be a 64-symbol uppercase hex-string. I.e. 525CE16E463842F020E516CF9EE32D53ACE8BB1AEEDC961A0A3725EFD9CCE2DD |
http.poll_interval | Only applicable to the Windows agent. The interval in seconds between heartbeats. A heartbeat is a check to see if there are any pending commands (i.e. agent updates) to be carried out at this moment. Values: The value must be between 600 (10 minutes) and 259200 (3 days). Otherwise the default value of 5400 (90 minutes) is used. Default: 5400 |
http.poll_variance | Only applicable to the Windows agent. The variance in seconds for heartbeats. The variance controls how many seconds off the interval is allowed per heartbeat. Greater variance means more evenly distributed load. Values: The value must be between 1 second and the value used in http.poll.interval. Otherwise the default value of 1800 (30 minutes) is used. Default: 1800 |
wmi.poll_interval | Only applicable to the Windows agent. The interval that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) uses to poll the data provider for intrinsic events. A higher poll interval may be useful in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure environments. See for more information. Values: positive integers Default: 15 |
env.is_virtual_desktop_infrastructure | Only applicable to the Windows agent. If the agent is running in a virtual desktop infrastructure this setting should be set to true. Values: true, false Default: false |
snowpack.encryption_fingerprint | The fingerprint of the encryption key to use for encrypting snowpacks. Note: This requires to be the *.cryptkey files placed according to the snowpack.encryption_path setting. Default: None |
snowpack.encryption_path | The path to where the encryption keys are stored. If not present, the path to the agent itself will be used. |
saas.all_managed | Set this to:
Default: false |
saas.edge.enabled | Set this to:
Default: true | | Set this to:
Default: true | | Only applicable to the macOS agent. Set this to false to use alternative installation method of the Chrome browser extension, using a preferences file. See Values: true, false Default: true |
saas.firefox.enabled | Set this to:
Default: true |
saas.allow_list.force_updates | If true, the agent will download the SaaS allow list, even if disable_all_updates is set to true. Values: true, false Default: false |
saas.allow_list.update_interval | The interval, in minutes, between updates of the SaaS allow list. Values: positive integers Default: 2880 (48 hours) |
legacy_webmetering.is_enabled | Only applicable to the Windows agent. If true, the legacy web metering is enabled. Caution: This feature enables an uncertified Windows Kernel-Mode driver. Values: true, false Default: false |
disable_all_updates | If true, the agent will not perform any update operations or handshakes, not even when run manually on the command line.
Values: true, false Default: false |
process_affinity | Only applicable to Windows agent 7.2.0 and later. Use this setting only when necessary. If you need to control which or how many processors/cores will be bound to the agent process and subprocesses by the operating system, you can use this setting to define the process affinity mask. The setting accepts a decimal number, representing a bit array, where the first bit means the first processor/core, the second the second, etc. For more information, refer to The agent is not processor group aware, which means only up to 64 affinity bits can be specified. If an invalid value is provided, the agent will be executed with the default setting and process affinity will not be applied. Values: 1 <= n <= 2^64 Default: empty Example 1: The agent should only run on the first core. Bit array = 1 Decimal value = 1 Example 2: The agent should only run on the first and second core. Bit array = 11 Decimal value = 3 Example 3: The agent should only run on the third core. Bit array = 100 Decimal value = 4 Example 4: The agent should only run on the third and seventh core. Bit array = 1000100 Decimal value = 68 |
Configuration > Environment
Element containing control directives regarding environment data.
The child element is described below.
Configuration > Environment > Ignore
Used to specify an environment variable to ignore when gathering them from the environment. Name is case-sensitive.
Configuration > SudoCommands
Only applicable to the UNIX agent. List of commands that are allowed to be elevated to root using sudo.
The child element is described below.
Configuration > SudoCommands > Path
Path to command allowed to be elevated using sudo.
Example: /usr/bin/file