Snowpack data
As from version 5.15 of Snow Integration Manager, the vSphere connector generates a snowpack file with extended data. This data is stored in the Inventory database, as a json data blob, in table ClientStorageData.
Field | Type |
vCenter | |
InstanceUuid | Guid |
Version | String |
ProductLineId | String |
Datacenters | Array |
ProductComponents | (String) Array |
Datacenters (Array) | |
Name | String |
Id | String |
Clusters | Array |
Hosts | Array |
Features | (String) Array |
Datastores | (String) Array |
Clusters (Array) | |
Name | String |
Id | String |
DrsEnabled | Boolean |
HaEnabled | Boolean |
Hosts | Array |
Vms | null |
Rules | Array |
Groups | Array |
AvailableDatastoreIds | Array |
Hosts (Array) | |
Name | String |
Id | String |
Version | String |
ProductName | String |
CpuCoreCount | Integer |
CpuThreadCount | Integer |
CpuSpeedHz | Integer |
CpuVendor | String |
TotalDiskSpace | Long |
FreeDiskSpace | Long |
CpuPackageCount | Integer |
HyperThreadingEnabled | Boolean |
PowerState | String (Possible values: "PoweredOn", "PoweredOff", "Unknown") |
Memory | Long |
Vms | Array |
AvailableDatastoreIds | (String) Array |
Vms (Array) | |
Name | String |
Id | String |
Uuid | Guid |
HostName | String |
IpAddress | String |
Os | String |
CpuCount | Integer |
CoresPerSocket | Integer |
AllocatedCpu | Integer |
PowerState | String (Possible values: "PoweredOn", "PoweredOff", "Unknown") |
TotalMemory | Integer |
MemoryUsed | Integer |
TotalDiskSpace | Integer |
FreeDiskSpace | Integer |
IsTemplate | Integer |
PerDatastoreUsage | Array |
UsedDatastoreIds | (String) Array |
PerDatastoreUsage (Array) | |
UsedSpace | Long |
DataStoreId | String |
FreeSpace | Long |
Unshared | Long |
Rules (Array) | |
Key | Integer |
Status | String (Possible values: "gray", "green", "red") |
Enabled | Boolean |
Name | String |
Mandatory | Boolean |
UserCreated | Boolean |
InCompliance | Boolean |
RuleType | String (Possible values: "Affinity", "Anti affinity", "VM Host Rule") |
VmGroupName | String (Null if not applicable) |
AffineHostGroupName | String (Null if not applicable) |
AntiAffineHostGroupName | String (Null if not applicable) |
VmIds | (String) Array |
Groups (Array) | |
Name | String |
Vms | (String) Array (Null if not applicable) |
Hosts | (String) Array (Null if not applicable) |
Licenses (Array) | |
LicenseKey | String |
EditionKey | String |
Name | String |
Total | Integer |
Used | Integer |
UsedSpecified | Boolean |
CostUnit | String |
As part of the Oracle verified data feature in Snow License Manager, the vSphere connector generates two extra files in the snowpack file with extended data. This data is also stored in the table ClientStorageData in the Inventory database, as JSON data blobs.
For the host to support the CreateDate
feature in VM, you require a minimum version of vSphere 6.7. For the data to be part of the Oracle verified output file, you must have Snow License Manager 9.43.0 and Snow Inventory Oracle Hardware Scanner 2.2.0 versions supported.
Field | Type |
HostDetails | |
VMCreateDates | (DateTime) Array For requirement information about this field, see the note section above the table. |
VMPowerStates | (String) Array |
VCenterServerName | String |
VCenterVersion | String |
HostName | String |
IsStandAlone | Boolean |
Datacenter | String |
Cluster | String |
VMs | (String) Array |
Vendor | String |
Model | String |
FullName | String |
Version | String |
CpuModel | String |
CpuMhz | Integer |
CPU | Integer |
CpuCores | Integer |
HyperThreading | Boolean |
CpuThreads | Integer |
PowerState | String |
ConnectionState | String |
Datastores | (String) Array |
ManagedByServer | String |
VMDetails | |
CreateDate | DateTime For requirement information about this field, see the note section above the table. |
PowerState | String |
VMName | String |
VMGuestHostName | String |
VMGuestOS | String |
VMIPAdress | String |
VMUuid | String |