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Replicated virtual machine and vCenter appliance information

The VMware vSphere connector creates Inventory files using the SnowXML schema for each virtual machine. The following tables list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from VMware vSphere they are populated with.

Introduced in version 5.38, the vSphere connector also includes a full set of VM inventory data for the vCenter appliance.


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
BiosSerialNumberVirtualMachine -> BiosSerialNumber
HostNameVirtualMachine -> HostNameIdentification
IsVirtualAlways set to "true"
NumberOfProcessorsVirtualMachine -> (CpuCount / CoresPerSocket) (calculated column)
ManufacturerAlways set to "VMWare inc"
SourceAlways set to "VSPHERE"
DccNameVirtualMachine -> DataCenter
HostMachineVirtualMachine -> Host
PowerStateVirtualMachine -> PowerState
OverallStatusVirtualMachine -> OverallStatus
IDVirtualMachine -> Name


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
TotalPhysicalVirtualMachine -> Memory


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
MacAddressVirtualMachine -> nic -> MacAddress
DhcpEnabledVirtualMachine -> nic -> Dhcp
IpAddressVirtualMachine -> nic -> IpAddress


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
ComputerNameVirtualMachine -> HostName
NameVirtualMachine -> GuestOsName
CDKeyvCenter -> LicenseKey (vCenter appliance only)


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
NameVirtualMachine -> disk -> diskPath
DiskSizeVirtualMachine -> disk -> capacity
FreeSpaceVirtualMachine -> disk -> freespace


Field in SnowXMLField in VMware vSphere
NumberOfCoresVirtualMachine -> CpuCount
NumberOfProcessorsVirtualMachine -> (CpuCount / CoresPerSocket) (calculated column)