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Replicated inventory information

The ServiceNow Discovery connector creates inventory files in a standard format that is compatible with the Snow XML schema. For more information, refer to the file named schema.xsd, which is found in the installation folder of Snow Integration Manager. The following sections list the properties that are used in the Snow XML schema and the information they are populated with from the ServiceNow CMDB tables.


The ServiceNow CMDB and ServiceNow Catalog connectors import inventory data from Snow License Manager into ServiceNow CMDB. To avoid importing the same inventory data back into Snow License Manager, the ServiceNow Discovery connector excludes data from those connectors when importing data from ServiceNow CMDB.


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
IDcmdb_ci_computer -> sys_id
HostNamecmdb_ci_computer -> name
BiosSerialNumbercmdb_ci_computer -> serial_number
UserNamesys_user -> user_name
FullUserNamesys_user -> name or
sys_user -> first_name + last_name
Manufacturercmdb_ci_computer -> manufacturer
Modelcmdb_model -> display_name
NumberOfProcessorscmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_count
LastUpdatecmdb_ci_computer -> sys_updated_on
InstallDatecmdb_ci_computer -> install_date
Companycore_company -> name
IsVirtualcmdb_ci_computer -> virtual
IsPortablecmdb_ci_computer -> chassis_type


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_spkg -> name or
cmdb_sam_sw_install -> display_name or
cmdb_software_instance -> display_name
FileNamecmdb_sam_sw_install -> display_name or
cmdb_software_instance -> display_name
Manufacturercore_company -> Name or
cmdb_ci_spkg -> manufacturer
Versioncmdb_sam_sw_install -> version or
cmdb_software_instance -> version or
cmdb_ci_spkg -> manufacturer
FullVersioncmdb_sam_sw_install -> version or
cmdb_software_instance -> version
PathNamecmdb_sam_sw_install -> install_location or
cmdb_software_instance -> install_location
UninstallStringcmdb_sam_sw_install -> uninstall_string or
cmdb_software_instance -> uninstall_string


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
TotalPhysicalcmdb_ci_computer -> ram


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow
MACcmdb_ci_network_adapter -> mac_address
IPAddresscmdb_ci_network_adapter -> ip_address
Namecmdb_ci_network_adapter -> name
DhcpEnabledcmdb_ci_network_adapter -> dhcp_enabled
DefaultGatewaycmdb_ci_network_adapter -> ip_default_gateway


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
UpdateTimesys_user -> last_login_time or
sys_user -> last_login
FullUserNamesys_user -> name or
sys_user -> first_name + last_name
UserNamesys_user -> user_name


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_computer -> os
Versioncmdb_ci_computer -> os_version
DomainNamecmdb_ci_computer -> os_domain
ComputerNamecmdb_ci_computer -> name
VersionInfocmdb_ci_computer -> os_service_pack
BuildTypecmdb_ci_computer -> os_address_width


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_name
CurrentClockSpeedcmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_speed
Modelcmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_name
Manufacturercore_company -> name or
cmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_manufacurer
NumberOfCorescmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_core_count
NumberOfProcessorscmdb_ci_computer -> cpu_count


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_disk -> name
DiscSizecmdb_ci_disk -> disk_space
Interfacecmdb_ci_disk -> device_interface or
cmdb_ci_disk -> interface
Typecmdb_ci_disk -> storage_type or
cmdb_ci_disk -> drive_type


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_file_system -> name
FileSystemcmdb_ci_file_system -> file_system
FreeSpacecmdb_ci_file_system -> free_space_bytes
Typecmdb_ci_file_system -> media_type
DiskSizecmdb_ci_file_system -> size_bytes


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
ComputerNamecmdb_ci_computer -> name or
cmdb_ci_vm_instance -> name
IpAddresscmdb_ci_computer -> ip_address
OperatingSystemcmdb_ci_computer -> os
PowerStatecmdb_ci_vm_instance -> state


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
Namecmdb_ci_logical_datacenter -> name or
cmdb_ci_host_cluster -> name or
cmdb_ci_hyper_v_cluster -> name


Field in SnowXMLField in ServiceNow CMDB
HostNamecmdb_ci_cluster_node -> server