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Configure the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization connector

For information on using Snow Integration Manager, see Snow Integration Manager.


This connector requires the Red Hat Virtualization Manager to have a user account with the ReadOnlyAdmin role.

A supported version of Red Hat Virtualization Manager is required. Refer to Snow Compatibility Matrix for versions supported by the Snow Integration Connector for Red Hat Virtualization Manager.


In Snow Integration Manager, add the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization connector and then carry out the following steps to complete the configuration:

  1. Enter a Site name for this collection of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization servers (this will override the Global Site ID).  

  2. To add one or more Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager connections to scan for physical and virtual machines, select Add.

  3. On the RHEV Server window, enter the Name of the server.

  4. To use this entered server name as the data center name, select the Use this name as default name for data center checkbox.

  5. Enter the Webservice url for the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager API.

    • For RHEV 3.x:

    • For RHEV 4.x:

  6. In the User and Password, enter user credentials for an account with access to the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager API.

  7. To exclude host devices with the status down from aggregation, select the Exclude Powered Off Hosts checkbox.

  8. To verify the connection, select Test.