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Retrieved inventory data

The Snow Integration Connector for Oracle VM retrieves the inventory data from Oracle VM Manager REST APIs in a standard format that is compatible with Snow XML schema. For more information, refer to the XML file schema located in the installation directory of the Snow Integration Manager.

The following sections list the properties that are used in the Snow XML schema and which information from the Oracle VM Manager REST APIs they are populated with.


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
IsHypervisorPluginAlways set to "true"
HostName/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> Hostname
ID/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ID.Value
SourceAlways set to "ORACLEVM"
SiteAlways set to user defined string
ClientTypeAlways set to "SIEDP"
IsVirtualAlways set to "0"
PowerState/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ServerRunState
LastUpdateAlways set to "DateTime.Now"
BiosSerialNumber/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> SerialNumber
BiosReleasedate/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> BiosReleaseDate
BiosVersion/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> BiosVersion
BiosManufacturer/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> BiosVendor
Manufacturer/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> Manufacturer
Model/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ProductName


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
Name/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/ControlDomain -> OsName
ManufacturerSet to "Oracle"
BuildTypeSet to " 64-bit"
Version/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/ControlDomain -> OsMajorVersion OsMinorVersion


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
TotalPhysical/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> Memory
FreePhysical/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> UsableMemory


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
IPAddress/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/EthernetPort -> Address
MacAddress/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/EthernetPort -> MACAddress
Name/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/EthernetPort -> InterfaceName
Subnet/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/EthernetPort -> Netmask


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
NumberOfProcessors/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> PopulatedProcessorSockets
NumberOfCores/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> TotalProcessorCores
Name/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> ModelName
MMX/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> Flags
MathCoProcessor/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> Flags
ProcessorNameString/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> ModelName
ClockSpeed/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> ProcessorSpeed
HasVT/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Cpu -> Flags


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
Name/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ServerPoolId.Name
DatacenterName/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ServerPoolId.Name
DatacenterID/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ServerPoolId.Value
HypervisorTypeAlways set to constant value "5"
ClusterName/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ClusterId.Name
ClusterID/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ClusterId.Value
HAEnabled/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> ServerAbilities.HighAvailability


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
HostName/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> HostName
LicenseProductNameAlways set to "Oracle VM server"
LicenseProductVersion/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Server -> OVMversion


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
PowerState/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm -> VmRunState
OperatingSystem/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm -> OsType, OsVersion
IpAddress/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/VirtualNic -> IPAddresses
ComputerName/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm -> Name
TotalMemory/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm -> CurrentMemory
CpuCount/ovm/core/wsapi/rest/Vm -> CurrentCpuCount


Field in SnowXMLField in Oracle VM Manager REST API
ElementNameAlways set to "VirtualMachine"
ResultAlways set to "Success" OR "Failed"
Message ContentSet to a custom message based on scan result