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Configure the Nutanix Acropolis connector

The Snow Integration Connector for Nutanix Acropolis is configured within Snow Integration Manager. For more information, see Snow Integration Manager.


The following is required for a successful integration of the Nutanix Acropolis connector:

  • A supported version of Nutanix Acropolis is required. Refer to Snow Compatibility Matrix for versions supported by the Snow Integration Connector for Nutanix.

  • A user account with Prism Central Role Viewer (minimum requirement) or higher to read inventory data from Nutanix Prism Central REST APIs


Snow Inventory Agents are required to report the installed software on hosted virtual machines.


  1. In Snow Integration Manager, add Nutanix Acropolis connector and continue with the settings.

  2. Enter a Site name for the collection of Prism servers.

  3. To add one or more Prism servers to scan for inventory data, select Add.

  4. On the Prism Server window, enter the Connection name for this connection.

  5. To read data from the Prism server, enter the Prism Central URL.

    EXAMPLE or

  6. Enter a value in the Timeout field. The default value is 60 seconds.

  7. In the User and Password fields, enter credentials for a user account with access to the Prism server REST APIs.

  8. To report basic hardware data about virtual machines, select Report VMs individually.

    By default, this option is not enabled.


    Read the section Report VMs individually before you enable this feature.

  9. To verify the connection, select Test Connection.

  10. To finish the setup, do one of the following:

    • To save the provided settings and close the connection window, select OK.

    • To discard any unsaved settings, select Cancel.

Report VMs individually

To obtain the full hardware and software inventory of a VM, it is recommended to install Snow Inventory Agents on hosted virtual machines. The Report VMs individually option should only be used when Snow Inventory Agents cannot be installed on individual VMs. To avoid data duplication, only one of these two options should be used.

The option Report VMs individually enables inventory of basic hardware data and operating system information. Offline VMs will by default not be reported, as they are not registered to a specific host before they are started. They will start up as connected to the most suitable host at the time of startup.

There are three options:

  • Process offline VMs normally leaves these VMs out for this aggregation.

  • Attach offline VMs to host in the same cluster will report these VMs as attached to a host in the same cluster.

  • Report offline VMs in a Discovery snowpack makes a separate snowpack with the discovery data for these VMs.