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Replicated MDM information

The integration connector creates inventory files using the SnowXML schema. The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from MobileIron they are populated with.


Not all mobile operating systems provide all of the listed data. Refer to MobileIron's documentation around what information is captured by their agent on different mobile device operating systems.


Field in Snow XMLField in MobileIron
HostNameDevices -> Display Name
Client IdentifierDevices -> Device details -> Device UUID
BiosSerialNumberDevices -> Device details -> Serial number
ManufacturerDevices -> Manufacturer
ModelDevices -> Model
UsernameUsers -> User ID
InstallDateCreatedAt *
LastUpdateDevices -> Last check-in

* Only present in the MobileIron API, not in the user interface.


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
CurrentVerticalResolutionDevices -> Device details -> Display Size
CurrentHorizontalResolutionDevices -> Device details -> Display Size


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
TotalPhysicalDevices -> Device details -> Memory capacity
TotalFreeDevices -> Device details -> Memory free


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
ImeiDevices -> Device details -> IMEI
ImsiDevices -> Device details -> IMSI
OperatorDevices -> Operator
NetworkTypeDevices -> Device details -> Cellular Technology
RoamingDevices -> Device details -> Roaming
PhoneNumberDevices -> Current Phone Number


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
MACCAddressDevices -> Device details -> Wi-Fi MAC


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
VersionDevices -> Device details -> OS Version
NameDevices -> Device details -> Platform name
DomainNameUser -> LDAP -> DN


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
DiskSizeDevice details -> Storage Capacity


Field in SnowXMLField in MobileIron
NameApps -> Installed Apps -> Name
ManufacturerApps -> Installed Apps -> Identifier
VersionappVersion *
FileNameApps -> Installed Apps -> Identifier

* Only present in the MobileIron API, not in the user interface.