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Configure the Microsoft SCCM connector

The Microsoft SCCM connector uses a database connection. In Snow Integration Manager, add the Microsoft SCCM connector and configure the settings.

The Snow Integration Connector for Microsoft SCCM is configured in Snow Integration Manager (SIM). For more information on SIM, see Snow Integration Manager.


To retrieve inventory data from SCCM database, a user or service account with SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication is required, according to Configure authentication.

Set up the Data connection

  1. Select the Data connection tab.

  2. In the Server, enter the hostname of the server that is hosting the SCCM database.

  3. Perform one of the following:

    • Enter user credentials for the SCCM database in the User id and Password.

    • Select the Use integrated security when a user account with Windows authentication or a Windows Service account is to be used.

  4. In the Database list, select database.

  5. To verify the connection, select Test connection.

  6. In the Initial aggregation length, select the number of months for the initial aggregation of inventory data.

  7. To reduce the number of devices to fetch from the server, use the Batch size. Reducing batch size like this can help in very large environments, but should not be changed unless needed.

  8. If there is a mismatch between time zones or if some other issue prevents the connector from retrieving all devices, select the Accept LastScanDate from the future.

  9. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, select Clear Last Aggregation Date.

  10. Select an Identifier.

  11. Optional: Enter a site name for this connector in the Name.

  12. Select OK.

Set up the Data source options

The SCCM data source option gives a better overview of the SCCM setup and what views and fields the Snow Integration Manager is able to aggregate from. It is also possible to apply filters to collections and clients.

  1. Select the Data source options tab.

  2. In the Collection filter (Site ID), enter the Site IDs that clients will be aggregated from.

    Use a semi-colon as a separator.

  3. In the Client filter, enter the names of the clients that will be aggregated.

    Use a semi-colon as a separator.

    A wildcard character (* or %) can be used to match several clients.


    Type STO-* for all clients with a name beginning with "STO-".

  4. Select Apply software exclusion filters to metering data.

  5. Select the Types of devices to include.

    The retrieved information for Computers and Mobile devices will be stored in different tables, see Retrieved information.

  6. In SCCM Software recognition, choose whether to treat registry applications from SCCM as pre recognized or not. Option Treat all as unrecognized can be used if pre recognized software is causing duplicates.

  7. The Advanced data source options contains options that can improve performance in large environments:

    • If the user has view creation permissions, the connector can create and use views to gather software usage information.

    • There is also an option to create a .sql script to generate the views on the server.

  8. To test the filters, select Preview.

    • To use the last aggregation date, select Use config value.


      This will either be the last aggregation date if such a value exists, or today's date subtracted with the number of months specified for initial aggregation.

    • To select a manual date for the preview, clear the Use config value checkbox.

  9. To save the settings, select OK, or Cancel.