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Configure the Microsoft Intune connector

The Microsoft Intune connector is configured in Snow Integration Manager (SIM). The Microsoft Intune connector uses a Graph API connection. In Snow Integration Manager, add the Microsoft Intune connector and configure the settings.

For more information on SIM, see Snow Integration Manager.

Set up the Microsoft Intune

To set up the Microsoft Intune component:

  1. In Directory id, enter the value for the directory id as saved in Locate Directory tenant ID.

  2. In the Application id, enter the value for the application id as saved in Locate Application client ID.

  3. In the Application secret, enter the value for the client secret as saved in Locate Client secret.

  4. To exclude devices, such as desktop computers, phones, tablets, applications, and personal devices from the aggregation, select Exclude filter for the respective device.


    When selecting the Exclude Tablets checkbox, only the tablets defined in the custom device type rules are excluded. If no tablets are defined, then selecting the Exclude Phones checkbox excludes all types of mobile devices.

  5. Optional: Configure custom rules for device types, according to Configure a custom device filter.

  6. Select Username mode from the dropdown. This is used to select which field to use as the device user's username.

    The options:

    • Display Name/display name for the user

    • User Principal Name/user principal name for the user

    • Logon Name /

      The property is only available for customers who are synchronizing their on-premises directory to Azure Active Directory via Azure AD Connect. Format of the property is DOMAIN\USERNAME.

  7. To set up a proxy server, select the desired proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy profiles tab in the Snow Integration Manager main interface.

Set up the Aggregation

To set up the Aggregation component:

  1. In the Initial aggregation length (months), select the number of months for initial aggregation of inventory data.

  2. In the Page size, select the page size when fetching data from the Microsoft Graph API.


    Possible values for page size are between 0 and 999.

    Default value is 0. If the value is set to 0, no page size is specified in the API calls.

    Do not change the page size value if there are no performance issues with using the default page size.

  3. To reset an ongoing incremental aggregation, select Clear Last Aggregation Date.

  4. If the standard data calls return an error status, enter a Retry delay (in seconds).

  5. If any of the calls in a batch call returns an error status, enter a Batch delay (in seconds).

Set up the Site name

To set up the Site name (overrides global site name) component:

  1. In the Name, enter the site name. This will override the global site name set in Snow Integration Manager.


    At least one of these two values is required.

  2. Navigate to the Microsoft Intune component, and select Get Token.

    A message saying that the token is successfully acquired appears.

  3. Select Ok.

  4. To check if the connection can be established, in the Microsoft Intune component, select Test connection.

  5. If the connection could not be established, verify that the connector has been configured according to Step 1 to Select Ok.

  6. To save the configuration, select OK.

    After configuring the connection, you can aggregate data from it or schedule an aggregation.

Configure a custom device filter

Define your own custom rules for determining the device type with the settings described in the sections below.

  • Select the Enable custom device type rules to use the custom device type rules. Proceed to Phones and Tablets for respective configurations.


  1. Select the Phones tab.

  2. Select Device has IMEI to use the presence of the IMEI field as a condition for the device to be flagged as phone. This is selected by default.

  3. Select Enable filter by OS name to specify operating system names that will be matched against the device operating system as a condition for the device to be flagged as phone.


    If both Device has IMEI and Enable filter by OS name are cleared, all of the devices will be flagged as phones.

  4. In OS name filter, specify the operating system names that the phones are expected to have. The operating system of the device needs to be equal to one of the specified operating systems. The comparison is case-insensitive.

    Configuring filter by OS name:

    1. Enter an OS name in the empty textbox.

    2. Select Add OS to add the entered OS name to the list.

    3. Remove an OS name from the list by selecting its checkbox and then select Remove selected OS.

      To only disable an OS name that is added to the list, clear its checkbox. A disabled OS name will not be used when comparing the added OS names with the device OS.


In the Phones tab, the device is flagged as a phone if:

  • the device has an IMEI code and

  • the device has an operating system name that is equal to either iOS or Android


  1. Select the Tablets tab.

  2. In Model name filter, specify the model names expected to include the tablets. The device will be considered a tablet if the device model contains at least one of the values from the Model name filter list. The model names in the model name list do not need to be equal to the device model name, they can also be a part of the name. The comparison is case-insensitive.

    1. Enter a model name in the empty textbox.

    2. Select Add model name to add the model name to the list.

    3. Remove a model name from the list by selecting its checkbox and then select Remove selected model name.

      To only disable a model name that is added to the list, clear its checkbox. A disabled model name will not be used when comparing the added model names with the device model name.


In the Model name filter section, ipad and tab are added as model names used to determine if the device is a tablet. With this configuration, the following devices would be marked as tablets: iPad, iPad Pro, Samsung Galaxy Tab S6, Lenovo Tab P11, etc.