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Configure the Microsoft Hyper-V connector

The Snow Integration Connector for Microsoft Hyper-V is configured in Snow Integration Manager (SIM). For more information on SIM, see Snow Integration Manager.


  • A supported version of Microsoft Hyper-V is required. Refer to Snow Compatibility Matrix for versions supported by the Snow Integration Connector for Microsoft Hyper-V.

  • When running Snow Integration Manager on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, Windows Management Framework 3.0 must be installed.

  • It is recommended that the user account must be a member of the Administrators group for most of the use cases in the Hyper-V connector.


    The only exception to this requirement is when the Use WinRM connection and the ClusterName are not used for the Standalone Hyper-V server, in which case, the user account must be a member of the Hyper-V Administrators group.

  • Login credentials for Standalone Hyper-V servers:

    • Use either a domain user account or a local user account.

    • The credentials must have access to the server’s WMI interface .

  • Login credentials for VMM servers:

    • Use a domain user account.

    • The user must be assigned a role that has the Read-Only Administrator profile with the All Hosts scope assigned to it.

      To create the role and set the scope, open the Virtual Machine Manager Console on the VMM server, and then go to Settings|Security|User roles.

  • For standalone Hyper-V servers when the Use WinRM connection is checked, and for VMM servers: Make sure that PowerShell Remoting is enabled on the server.

    Example of PowerShell script:

    Enable-PSRemoting -Force

    If the connection fails to a server that is not a member of the domain, or if the connection by IP address is used, the server’s IP address (or name) might need to be added to “TrustedHosts” on the local computer. Example of PowerShell script:

    set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value “,, …”

    The recommendation is to either install the Snow Inventory Client for Windows on the virtual machines or gather inventory data from the virtual machines using another SIM connector. The Hyper-V connector does not perform software scans on the virtual machines.

  • The ports required by the Snow Integration Manager to connect to the Microsoft Hyper-V connector include:

    • Dynamic ports used between 49152 - 65535 (UDP)

    • WMI that uses TCP 135

    • WinRM  TCP/5985 (HTTP)  and TCP/5986 (HTTPS)


The Microsoft Hyper-V connector uses an API connection.

  1. Enter the Site name for this collection of Hyper-V servers.

    This setting will override the Global site id.

  2. To add one or more Hyper-V servers to scan for virtual machines, select Add. The Hyper-V Server window opens.

  3. In the Server name or IP, enter the hostname or IP address of the server (type "." for localhost).

  4. Enter the login credentials in User (username or DOMAIN\username) and Password.

  5. Select a Standalone Hyper-V server or a System Center VMM server controlling one or more Hyper-V hosts.

    • For a Standalone Hyper-V server:

      1. Select the Use WinRM connection if unable to reach the server with the default settings. Selecting the checkbox allows you to connect and query data from Windows Remote Management.

        • The user must also be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.

        • For the connection to work, the Server name or IP must be explicitly in the format http(s)://x.x.x.x:port.

      2. Select HostName or ClusterName as the Datacenter name.

    • For a System Center VMM server, to ensure that the correct number of processor cores is reported to Snow License Manager, select Hyper Threading enabled on hosts .

  6. By default, each virtual machine’s name is its Fully Qualified Domain Name (computer name + domain), for example MYCOMPUTER.mydomain.local.

    If only the computer name is needed, select Remove domain suffix from virtual machine names.

  7. To specify the datacenter names when aggregating the data from hyper-v hosts or the SCVMM servers, select Enable user-defined datacenter name. This allows you to enter the datacenter name in the field below it.

  8. For a VMM server, go to the second bulleted list in step 5. For a Standalone Hyper-V server, go to the first bulleted list in step 5.

  9. In the Datacenter name, do the following:

    1. Select whether the hosts belong to VMHostGroup or HostCluster configuration in the System Center VMM server.

    2. If you prefer standalone hosts to belong to the VMM Datacenter, select Put stand-alone servers into VMM Datacenter.

  10. To verify the connection, select Test.