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Retrieved information

The connector creates Inventory files using the SnowXML schema. The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from Ivanti Endpoint Manager they are populated with.


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDComputer -> Computer_Idn
HostNameComputer -> DeviceName
BiosReleaseDateBIOS -> BiosDate
BiosManufacturerBIOS -> Manufacturer
BiosSerialNumberBIOS -> SerialNum
BiosVersionBIOS -> SMBIOSVer
HasUsbUSBControl + Computer -> SELECT SIGN(COUNT(Computer_Idn))
ManufacturerCompSystem -> Manufacturer
ModelCompSystem -> Model
IsPortableCompSystem -> CASE ChassisType
WHEN 'Notebook' THEN '1'
WHEN 'LapTop' THEN '1'
WHEN 'Portable' THEN '1'
ELSE '0'
NumberOfProcessorsProcessor -> ProcCount
FullUserNameComputer -> FullName
UsernameComputer -> QualifiedUser
LastUpdateComputer -> HWLastScanDate

Software 1

Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDAppSoftware -> Computer_Idn
NameAppSoftware -> ExeName
FileSizeAppSoftware -> FileSize
FileDateAppSoftware -> FileDate
VersionAppSoftware -> Version
FilePathAppSoftware -> Path
ManufacturerAppSoftware -> Vendor
FileNameAppSoftware -> FileName

Software 2

Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDAppSoftwareSuites -> Computer_Idn
NameAppSoftwareSuites -> SuiteName
VersionAppSoftwareSuites -> Version
ManufacturerAppSoftwareSuites -> Publisher
InstallDateAppSoftwareSuites -> InstallDate

Software 3

Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDProductInstance -> Computer_Idn
NameProductInstance -> Title
VersionProductInstance -> Version
ManufacturerProductInstance -> Name


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDOperating_System -> Computer_Idn
NameOperating_System -> OSType
VersionOperating_System -> Version
BuildNumberOSNT -> CurrentBuild
UserUILanguageOSNT -> MUILang
UserNameOSNT -> RegisteredOwner
BuildTypeOSNT -> CurrentType
WindowsDirectoryOSNT -> SystemRoot
SerialNumberOSNT -> SerialNumber
ComputerNameComputer -> DeviceName


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDProcessor -> Computer_Idn
NameProcessor -> Type
CurrentClockSpeedProcessor -> MhzSpeed
NumberOfProcessorsProcessor -> ProcCount
ProcessorIdProcessor -> ID
ManufacturerProcessor -> Vendor
ModelProcessor -> Model
MaxClockSpeedProcessor -> MaxSpeed
MMXProcessor -> MMX
HyperThreadingProcessor -> HyperThreading
NumberOfCoresProcessor -> CoresPerPkg


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDVideoAdapter -> Computer_Idn
DisplayAdapterNameVideoAdapter -> Type
ResolutionVideo -> Resolution


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDMemory -> Computer_Idn
TotalPhysicalMemory -> BytesTotal
FreePhysicalMemory -> BytesAvail
TotalSwapMemory -> COALESCE([PageMaxSize], [PageTotal])
FreeSwapMemory -> COALESCE([PageAvail], [PageAvail2])
TotalVirtualMemory -> VirtTotal
FreeVirtualMemory -> VirtAvail
TotalSlotsMemory -> NumSlots


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDCDROMDrives -> Computer_Idn
ModelCDROMDrives -> Name
TypeCDROMDrives -> MediaType


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDFixedDrives -> Computer_Idn
CylindersFixedDrives -> Cylinders
SectorsFixedDrives -> Sectors
DiskSizeFixedDrives -> StorageTotal
BytesPerSectorFixedDrives -> BytesPerSect
NameFixedDrives -> Model
InterfaceFixedDrives -> Interface
DeviceIDFixedDrives -> DeviceID
TypeFixedDrives -> MediaType
PartitionsFixedDrives -> Partitions
TracksFixedDrives -> TracksPerCylinder


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDLogicalDrives -> Computer_Idn
DriveTypeLogicalDrives -> DriveType
VolumeSerialNumberLogicalDrives -> SerialNumber
VolumeNameLogicalDrives -> VolumeLabel
FileSystemLogicalDrives -> FileSystem
NameLogicalDrives -> DriveLetter
DiskSizeLogicalDrives -> StorageTotal
FreeSpaceLogicalDrives -> StorageAvail


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDBoundAdapter -> Computer_Idn
MacAddressBoundAdapter -> PhysAddress
ProductNameBoundAdapter -> Description
IpAddressBoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 1))* 1)
IpSubnetBoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 1))* 1)
DefaultIpGatewayBoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert (int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar, convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert (nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 1))* 1)
DhcpServerBoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 1))* 1)
DhcpEnabledBoundAdapter -> DHCPEnabled
DnsServerBoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 1))* 1)


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDVideoMonitor -> Computer_Idn
NameVideoMonitor -> Model


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDServices -> Computer_Idn
NameServices -> Name


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIdUSBDevice -> Computer_Idn
NameUSBDevice -> Name


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDPrinter -> Computer_Idn
PortPrinter -> Port
NamePrinter -> Name


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDKeyboard -> Computer_Idn
NameKeyboard -> Type
LayoutKeyboard -> Layout


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDPointingDevices -> Computer_Idn
NamePointingDevices -> DriverName


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDPeripheralAdapters -> Computer_Idn
NamePeripheralAdapters -> Type


Field in SnowXMLField in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
ResourceIDEnvironSettings -> Computer_Idn
NameEnvironSettings -> Name
VariableValueEnvironSettings -> ValueString