Retrieved information
The connector creates Inventory files using the SnowXML schema. The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from Ivanti Endpoint Manager they are populated with.
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Computer -> Computer_Idn |
HostName | Computer -> DeviceName |
BiosReleaseDate | BIOS -> BiosDate |
BiosManufacturer | BIOS -> Manufacturer |
BiosSerialNumber | BIOS -> SerialNum |
BiosVersion | BIOS -> SMBIOSVer |
HasUsb | USBControl + Computer -> SELECT SIGN(COUNT(Computer_Idn)) |
Manufacturer | CompSystem -> Manufacturer |
Model | CompSystem -> Model |
IsPortable | CompSystem -> CASE ChassisType WHEN 'Notebook' THEN '1' WHEN 'LapTop' THEN '1' WHEN 'Portable' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END |
NumberOfProcessors | Processor -> ProcCount |
FullUserName | Computer -> FullName |
Username | Computer -> QualifiedUser |
LastUpdate | Computer -> HWLastScanDate |
Software 1
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | AppSoftware -> Computer_Idn |
Name | AppSoftware -> ExeName |
FileSize | AppSoftware -> FileSize |
FileDate | AppSoftware -> FileDate |
Version | AppSoftware -> Version |
FilePath | AppSoftware -> Path |
Manufacturer | AppSoftware -> Vendor |
FileName | AppSoftware -> FileName |
Software 2
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | AppSoftwareSuites -> Computer_Idn |
Name | AppSoftwareSuites -> SuiteName |
Version | AppSoftwareSuites -> Version |
Manufacturer | AppSoftwareSuites -> Publisher |
InstallDate | AppSoftwareSuites -> InstallDate |
Software 3
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | ProductInstance -> Computer_Idn |
Name | ProductInstance -> Title |
Version | ProductInstance -> Version |
Manufacturer | ProductInstance -> Name |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Operating_System -> Computer_Idn |
Name | Operating_System -> OSType |
Version | Operating_System -> Version |
BuildNumber | OSNT -> CurrentBuild |
UserUILanguage | OSNT -> MUILang |
UserName | OSNT -> RegisteredOwner |
BuildType | OSNT -> CurrentType |
WindowsDirectory | OSNT -> SystemRoot |
SerialNumber | OSNT -> SerialNumber |
ComputerName | Computer -> DeviceName |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Processor -> Computer_Idn |
Name | Processor -> Type |
CurrentClockSpeed | Processor -> MhzSpeed |
NumberOfProcessors | Processor -> ProcCount |
ProcessorId | Processor -> ID |
Manufacturer | Processor -> Vendor |
Model | Processor -> Model |
MaxClockSpeed | Processor -> MaxSpeed |
MMX | Processor -> MMX |
HyperThreading | Processor -> HyperThreading |
NumberOfCores | Processor -> CoresPerPkg |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | VideoAdapter -> Computer_Idn |
DisplayAdapterName | VideoAdapter -> Type |
Resolution | Video -> Resolution |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Memory -> Computer_Idn |
TotalPhysical | Memory -> BytesTotal |
FreePhysical | Memory -> BytesAvail |
TotalSwap | Memory -> COALESCE([PageMaxSize], [PageTotal]) |
FreeSwap | Memory -> COALESCE([PageAvail], [PageAvail2]) |
TotalVirtual | Memory -> VirtTotal |
FreeVirtual | Memory -> VirtAvail |
TotalSlots | Memory -> NumSlots |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | CDROMDrives -> Computer_Idn |
Model | CDROMDrives -> Name |
Type | CDROMDrives -> MediaType |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | FixedDrives -> Computer_Idn |
Cylinders | FixedDrives -> Cylinders |
Sectors | FixedDrives -> Sectors |
DiskSize | FixedDrives -> StorageTotal |
BytesPerSector | FixedDrives -> BytesPerSect |
Name | FixedDrives -> Model |
Interface | FixedDrives -> Interface |
DeviceID | FixedDrives -> DeviceID |
Type | FixedDrives -> MediaType |
Partitions | FixedDrives -> Partitions |
Tracks | FixedDrives -> TracksPerCylinder |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | LogicalDrives -> Computer_Idn |
DriveType | LogicalDrives -> DriveType |
VolumeSerialNumber | LogicalDrives -> SerialNumber |
VolumeName | LogicalDrives -> VolumeLabel |
FileSystem | LogicalDrives -> FileSystem |
Name | LogicalDrives -> DriveLetter |
DiskSize | LogicalDrives -> StorageTotal |
FreeSpace | LogicalDrives -> StorageAvail |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | BoundAdapter -> Computer_Idn |
MacAddress | BoundAdapter -> PhysAddress |
ProductName | BoundAdapter -> Description |
IpAddress | BoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([IPAddress], 1))* 1) |
IpSubnet | BoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([SubnetMask], 1))* 1) |
DefaultIpGateway | BoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert (int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar, convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert (nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DefaultGateway], 1))* 1) |
DhcpServer | BoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([DHCPServer], 1))* 1) |
DhcpEnabled | BoundAdapter -> DHCPEnabled |
DnsServer | BoundAdapter -> convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 4))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 3))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 2))* 1) + '.'+ convert(nvarchar,convert(int,PARSENAME([PrimaryDNS], 1))* 1) |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | VideoMonitor -> Computer_Idn |
Name | VideoMonitor -> Model |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Services -> Computer_Idn |
Name | Services -> Name |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceId | USBDevice -> Computer_Idn |
Name | USBDevice -> Name |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Printer -> Computer_Idn |
Port | Printer -> Port |
Name | Printer -> Name |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | Keyboard -> Computer_Idn |
Name | Keyboard -> Type |
Layout | Keyboard -> Layout |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | PointingDevices -> Computer_Idn |
Name | PointingDevices -> DriverName |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | PeripheralAdapters -> Computer_Idn |
Name | PeripheralAdapters -> Type |
Field in SnowXML | Field in Ivanti Endpoint Manager |
ResourceID | EnvironSettings -> Computer_Idn |
Name | EnvironSettings -> Name |
VariableValue | EnvironSettings -> ValueString |