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Retrieved information

The HP UD connector creates inventory files in a standard format which is compatible with the SnowXML schema. For more information, refer to the file named schema.xsd, which is found in the installation folder of Snow Integration Manager.

The following sections list the properties that are used in the Snow XML schema and with what information from HP UD they are populated.


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
BiosDateInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwBiosDate
ManufacturerInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation_value -> hwsmbiosSystemManufacturer or
Inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwBiosManufacturer
BiosSerialNumberInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation_value -> hwsmbiosSystemSerialNumber or
inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwBiosSerialNumber
BiosVersioninventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwSMBiosVersion
IDInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkTcpip -> hwIPHostName
LastUpdateInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSystemData -> hwScanDate
ModelInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation_value -> hwsmbiosProductName or
Inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwBiosMachineModel
UserNameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwUserData -> hwOSDefaultUserName
FullUserNameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwUserData -> hwOSDefaultUserName
CompanyInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwUserData -> hwOSDefaultOrganisationName
IsVirtualInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwVirtualMachine
IsPortableInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemEnclosureorChassis -> hwsmbiosSystemEnclosureorChassis_value -> hwsmbiosChassisType
IsTabletInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemEnclosureorChassis -> hwsmbiosSystemEnclosureorChassis_value -> hwsmbiosChassisType
BiosManufacturerInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwSMBIOS -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation -> hwsmbiosSystemInformation_value -> hwsmbiosSystemManufacturer or
Inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwBiosData -> hwBiosManufacturer
HostNameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkTcpip -> hwIPHostName


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
DisplayAdapterNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwVideoData -> hwDisplayGraphicsAdapters -> hwDisplayGraphicsAdapterName
CurrentHorizontalResolutioninventory -> hardwaredata -> hwVideoData -> hwDisplayGraphicsAdapters -> hwDisplayDesktopResolutionX
CurrentVerticalResolutioninventory -> hardwaredata -> hwVideoData -> hwDisplayGraphicsAdapters -> hwDisplayDesktopResolutionY


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
VolumeNameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeName
FileSysteminventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints ->hwMountPointVolumeType
NameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointMountedTo or
Inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeLabel
DiskSizeInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeTotalSize
FreeSpaceInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeFreeSpace
DriveTypeInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeMedia
VolumeSerialNumberInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwMountPoints -> hwMountPointVolumeSerialNumber


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
UserNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwUserData -> hwOSUserProfiles -> hwOSUserProfileName
UpdateTimeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwUserData -> hwOSUserProfiles -> hwOSUserProfileLastLogon


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
TotalPhysicalinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwMemoryData -> hwMemTotalMB


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwVideoData -> hwDisplayMonitors -> hwMonitorName


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
MacAddressinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkCards -> hwNICPhysicalAddress
ProductNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkCards -> hwNICDescription
IpAddressinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkCards -> hwNICIPAddresses -> hwNICIPAddresses_value -> hwNICIPAddress
IpSubnetinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkCards -> hwNICIPAddresses -> hwNICIPAddresses_value -> hwNICSubnetMask


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
DomainNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkNames -> hwDomainName
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwHostOS
VersionInfoinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServiceLevel
Manufacturerinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSHostOsCategory
BuildTypeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSArchitecture or
inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwHostOS or
inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwHostOS -> hwOSEnvironment -> PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE
UserUILanguageinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData ->hwOSLocaleData -> hwLocaleName
BuildNumberinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSBuildLevel


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskID
Cylindersinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskCylinders
Sectorsinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskSectors
DiskSizeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskSize
Typeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskData -> hwPhysicalDiskType


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Portinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwPeripheralData -> hwPrinters -> hwPrinterPort
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwPeripheralData -> hwPrinters -> hwPrinterName


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUs -> hwCPUs_value -> hwCPUDescription
CurrentClockSpeedinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUs -> hwCPUs_value -> hwCPUSpeed
NumberOfProcessorsinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwPhysicalCPUCount
Manufacturerinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUs -> hwCPUs_value -> hwCPUVendor
Modelinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUs -> hwCPUs_value -> hwCPUDescription
MaxClockSpeedinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUs -> hwCPUs_value -> hwCPUSpeed
NumberOfCoresinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwCPUData -> hwCPUCoreCount

Software: Operating system-installed applications

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppName or
inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppDescription
Versioninventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppVersion
Manufacturerinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppPublisher
*FilePathinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppInstallDir or
inventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> maindir or
inventory -> applicationdata -> application -> maindir
*FileNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppName
*InstallDateinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppInstallDate
*FileDateTimeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppLastExecuted
*PackageNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppPackageType
*IsPackageinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppPackageType
*IsMsiinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSInstalledApps -> hwOSInstalledAppPackageType

Software: Partial app

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> name and
inventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> release
Versioninventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> version
Manufacturerinventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> publisher
*FilePathinventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> maindir
*FileDateTimeinventory -> applicationdata -> partialapp -> lastUsed

Software – application

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> applicationdata -> application -> nameand
inventory -> applicationdata -> application -> release
Versioninventory -> applicationdata -> application -> version
Manufacturerinventory -> applicationdata -> application -> publisher
*FilePathinventory -> applicationdata -> application -> maindir and 
inventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> name
*FileDateTimeinventory -> applicationdata -> application -> lastUsed

Software: SWID tags

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags_value -> hwOSSoftwareIdTagProductTitle
Manufacturerinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags_value -> hwOSSoftwareIdTagSoftwareCreatorName
Versioninventory -> hardwaredata-> hwOsData -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags -> hwOSSoftwareIdTags_value -> hwOSSoftwareIdTagProductVersionNumber

Software: File inventory

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> verinfo -> File Description
Versioninventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> verinfo -> Product Version
Manufacturerinventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> verinfo -> Company Name
FilePathinventory -> filedata -> dir -> name and
inventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> name


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
Nameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceDisplayName or
inventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceName
PathNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceFileName
ServiceTypeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceType
Stateinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceStatus
StartModeinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceStartup
AccountNameinventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSServices -> hwOSServiceUser

Environment variable

Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
NameInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSEnvironment -> hwOSEnvironment_value -> hwOSEnvironmentName
VariableValueInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwOsData -> hwOSEnvironment -> hwOSEnvironment_value -> hwOSEnvironmentValue


Field in SnowXMLField in XSF file
UserNameInventory -> users -> name
MinutesInventory -> applicationusage -> used -> usagehourslastyear * 60
CountInventory -> applicationusage -> used -> usagedayslastyear
VersionInventory -> applicationdata -> application -> version
NameInventory -> applicationdata -> application -> name
LastUsedInventory -> applicationusage -> used -> usagedayslastyear
ManufacturerInventory -> applicationdata -> application -> publisher
FullVersionInventory -> applicationdata -> application -> version
DeviceIdInventory -> hardwaredata -> hwNetworkData -> hwNetworkTcpip -> hwIPHostName
PathNameInventory -> applicationdata -> application -> maindir and
inventory -> filedata -> dir -> file -> name