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Retrieved inventory information

The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from FrontRange Discovery they are populated with.


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
IDClient -> sysMachine
HostNameClient -> sysMachine
BiosSerialNumberClient -> sysSerialNo
BiosReleaseDateHardware -> BIOSDate
BiosVersionHardware -> BIOS -> Model
BiosManufacturerHardware-> BIOS -> ClientMfg
UserNameClient -> sysDomain or
Hardware -> Computer -> Model and Client -> sysUsername
FullUserNameClient -> sysDomain or
hardware -> Computer -> Model and Client -> sysUsername
ManufacturerHardware -> Computer -> ClientMfg
ModelHardware -> Computer -> Model
NumberOfProcessorsClient -> proCount
LastUpdateClient -> lastScanned
CompanyHardware -> Computer -> ClientMfg
IsPortableClient -> ClientType

Application (from executables)

Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameSoftwareEmbeddedEx -> Description or
SoftwareEmbeddedEx -> Product or
SoftwareEmbeddedEx -> OriginalFileName
FileNameSoftwareFile -> FileName
FilePathSoftwarePath -> FullPath
LanguageSoftwarePackage -> LanguageID
ManufacturerSoftwareEmbeddedEx -> Manufacturer
VersionSoftwareEmbeddedEx -> FileVersion
FullVersionSoftwareEmbeddedEx -> FileVersion
PathNameSoftwarePath -> FullPath and  SoftwareFile -> FileName
UninstallStringSoftwarePackage -> UninstallString

Application (from add/remove programs)

Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameSoftwarePackage -> DisplayName
ManufacturerSoftwarePackage -> Publisher
VersionSoftwarePackage -> DisplayVersion
FullVersionSoftwarePackage -> DisplayVersion
PathNameSoftwarePath -> FullPath  and  SoftwareFile -> FileName


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
MACHardware -> Adapter -> Network Card -> MacAddr
IPAddressHardware -> Adapter -> Network Card -> IPAddr
ProductNameHardware -> Adapter -> Network Card -> ClientMfg and
Hardware ->Adapter -> Network Card -> Model
SubnetHardware -> Adapter -> Network Card -> IPAddr


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameV_ExportComputerSoftwareSummaryBoth -> Product  and
ExportComputerSoftwareSummaryBoth -> VersionNumber
VersionOperatingSystem -> MajorVersion  and  os -> MinorVersion
ComputerNameClient -> sysMachine
ManufacturerOperatingSystem -> Manufacturer
VersionInfoOperatingSystem -> ServicePack


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameHardware -> Processor -> Model
CurrentClockSpeedHardware -> Processor -> aSize
ModelHardware -> Processor -> Model
ManufacturerHardware -> Processor -> ClientMfg
NumberOfCoresSUM(Hardware -> Processor -> Faulty)
NumberOfProcessorsCOUNT(Hardware -> Processor)


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
TotalPhysicalHardware -> Memory -> aSize
FreeSlotsCOUNT(Hardware -> Memory -> Model like '%is empty%')
TotalSlotsCOUNT(Hardware -> Memory)


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
DiskSizeHardware -> Physical Disk -> Hard Drive -> aSize
DeviceIdHardware -> Physical Disk -> Hard Drive -> Model


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameHardware -> Partition -> DriveLetter  +  ":"
FreeSpaceHardware -> Partition -> DiskLowSpace
DiskSizeHardware -> Partition -> aSize
VolumeNameHardware -> Partition -> DriveLetter  +  ":"


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
DisplayAdapterNameHardware -> Adapter -> Display -> ClientMfg 
Hardware -> Adapter -> Display -> Model DisplayAdapter


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameHardware -> Peripheral -> ClientMfg and
Hardware -> Peripheral -> Model


Field in SnowXMLField in FrontRange Discovery Database
NameqryProductHW -> Physical Disk -> CD ROM -> Name
DeviceIdqryProductHW -> Physical Disk -> CD ROM -> Name
TypeqryProductHW -> Physical Disk -> CD ROM -> Name
InterfaceqryProductHW -> Physical Disk -> CD ROM -> Name