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Retrieved information

The connector creates Inventory files using the SnowXML schema. The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from CloudSphere iQSonar REST API they are populated with.


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
BiosManufacturerdevice -> bios -> manufacturer
BiosSerialNumberdevice -> serial_number
BiosVersiondevice -> bios -> version
IDdevice -> device_id
DCCNameapplication -> name
HostMachinedevice -> virtual_host -> host_name
HostNamedevice -> host_name or
device -> device_id
HypervisorNamedevice -> virualization_platform
IsVirtualdevice -> is_virtual
IsHypervisorPlugindevice -> is_hypervisor
LastUpdatedevice -> last_scan
Manufacturerdevice -> manufacturer
Modeldevice -> model
NumberOfProcessorsdevice -> cpu_count
PowerStatedevice -> power_state
MainboardTypedevice -> cpu_count


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
Nameapplication -> name


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
HostNamedevice -> host_name or
device -> device_id


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
DiskSizedevice -> logical_disk -> capacity_gb
Typedevice -> logical_disk -> description
FreeSpacedevice -> logical_disk -> free_space_gb
Namedevice -> logical_disk -> name
VolumeSerialNumberdevice -> logical_disk -> volume_serial_number
VolumeNamedevice -> logical_disk -> description


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
UpdateTimeuser -> login_time
UserNameuser -> user_name
FullUserNameuser -> user_name


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
TotalPhysicaldevice -> total_memory_mb


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
DhcpEnableddevice -> ip_address -> is_dhcp_enabled
DhcpServerdevice -> ip_address -> dhcp_server
IpAddressdevice -> ip_address -> ip_address
MacAddressdevice -> ip_address -> mac_address
Namedevice -> ip_address -> network_interface


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
ComputerNamedevice -> host_name or
device -> device_id
DomainNamedevice -> qualified_name -> name
Namedevice -> operating_system -> name and device -> operating_system -> edition and device -> operating_system -> osarchitecture or
device -> operating_system -> product -> name and device -> operating_system -> edition and device -> operating_system -> osarchitecture or
device -> operating_system -> version
Note: device -> operating_system -> osarchitecture is only available in API v2.
Manufacturerdevice -> operating_system -> product -> vendor
Versiondevice -> operating_system -> version or
device -> operating_system -> build_number
VersionInfodevice -> operating_system -> service_pack
BuildNumberdevice -> operating_system -> build_number or
device -> operating_system -> name


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
Nameapplication -> name and application -> edition or
application -> product -> name and application -> edition or
installed_software -> name
Versionapplication -> version or
installed_software -> version
FullVersionapplication -> version or
installed_software -> version
Manufacturerapplication -> product -> vendor or
installed_software -> vendor


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
DbIdapplication -> deployed_databases -> database_identity
Nameapplication -> database_packs -> pack_name
PackAccessGrantedapplication -> database_packs -> access_granted
PackAccessAgreedapplication -> database_packs -> access_agreed


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
DbIdapplication -> deployed_databases -> database_identity
DbNameapplication -> name
HostNamedevice -> host_name
InstanceNameapplication -> name
NumberOfProcessorsAssignedreports -> oracle -> lms_v$license -> CPU_COUNT_CURRENT
OracleCoreCountreports -> oracle -> lms_detail -> TOTAL_PHYSICAL_CORES
OracleCpuHighWaterreports -> oracle -> lms_v$license -> CPU_COUNT_HIGHWATER
OracleSocketCountreports -> oracle -> lms_detail -> SOCKETS_POPULATED_PHYS


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
AccountStatusapplication -> users -> account_status
DbIdapplication -> users -> dbid
LockDateapplication -> users -> lock_date
OracleExpiryDateapplication -> users -> expiry_date
OracleNamedUserapplication -> users -> user_name
OracleNamedUserCreatedapplication -> users -> date_created


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
Cdbapplication -> cdb_id
CdbDbIdapplication -> cdb_id
Createdapplication -> deployed_databases -> date_created
DatabaseRolereports -> oracle -> lms_detail -> DB_ROLE
DataGuardapplication -> application_features -> name and
application -> application_features -> used
DbIdapplication -> deployed_databases -> database_identity
DbNameapplication -> name
DbUniqueNameapplication -> deployed_databases -> name
OpenModeapplication -> deployed_databases -> status
OracleDatabaseProductapplication -> product -> name and
application -> edition
OracleDatabaseVersionapplication -> version
LastDateCheckapplication -> last_scan


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
DbIdapplication -> deployed_databases -> database_identity
Descriptionapplication -> application_features -> description
DetectedUsagesapplication -> application_features -> detected_usage_count
FirstUsedapplication -> application_features -> first_used_date
LastUsedapplication -> application_features -> last_used_date
Nameapplication -> application_features -> name
Usedapplication -> application_features -> used


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
BackgroundSessionapplication -> sessions -> is_background
ClientProgramapplication -> sessions -> client
DbIdapplication -> deployed_databases -> database_identity
LogonTimeapplication -> sessions -> session_start_time or
application -> sessions -> session_start_date_utc
Machineapplication -> sessions -> client_host_name
OracleUserapplication -> sessions -> user_name
OsUserapplication -> sessions -> os_user
Statusapplication -> sessions -> status


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
ClockSpeeddevice -> cpu -> cpu_speed
HyperThreadingdevice -> cpu -> is_hyperthreaded
Manufacturerdevice -> cpu -> manufacturer
Modeldevice -> cpu -> cpu_model
Namedevice -> cpu -> cpu_model
NumberOfCoresdevice -> core_count
NumberOfProcessorsdevice -> cpu_count


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
Namedevice -> windows_service -> name or
service -> name
PathNamedevice -> windows_service -> path or
service -> path
Startupdevice -> windows_service -> start_mode or
service -> start_mode
Statusdevice -> windows_service -> status or
service -> status


Field in SnowXMLField in CloudSphere iQSonar REST API
ComputerNamedevice -> host_name
IpAddressdevice -> ip_address -> ip_address
OperatingSystemdevice -> operating_system -> name
PowerStatedevice -> power_state