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Replicated datacenter information

The connector creates Inventory files using the SnowXML schema. The following sections list the properties that are used in the SnowXML file and what information from Citrix Hypervisor they are populated with.


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
HostNameHost -> name_label
Client IdentifierHost -> name_label
BiosSerialNumberHost -> bios_strings -> system-serial-number
ManufacturerHost -> bios_strings -> system-manufacturer
ModelHost -> bios_strings -> system-product-name
NumberOfProcessorsHost -> cpu_info -> cpu_count
BiosManufacturerHost -> bios_strings -> bios-vendor
BiosVersionHost -> bios_strings -> bios-version


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
TotalPhysicalMetrics -> memory_total
FreePhysicalMetrics -> memory_free


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
IpAddressPif -> P
ProductNamePif -> device
MacAddressPif -> MAC
DnsServerPif -> DNS
DhcpEnabledPif -> ip_configuration_mode
DefaultIpGatewayPif -> gateway
IpSubnetPif -> netmask


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
NameHost -> software_version -> product_brand
Manufacturer<always set to "Citrix">
VersionHost -> software_version -> product_version
BuildNumberHost -> software_version -> build_number


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
NameClient -> DatacenterName
HypervisorType<always set to "3">


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
HostNameClient -> Host -> name_label


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
ComputerNameVm -> name_label
IpAddressVirtualMachine -> GuestMetrics.networks -> ip
OperatingSystemVirtualMachine -> GuestMetrics.os_version -> Name
PowerStateVm -> power_state


Field in SnowXMLField in Citrix Hypervisor
NamecpuInfo -> modelname
CurrentClockSpeedcpuInfo -> speed
ManufacturercpuInfo -> vendor
NumberOfProcessorscpuInfo -> socket_count
NumberOfCorescpuInfo -> cpu_count
ModelcpuInfo -> model