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JSON schema

JSON files used by SaaS generic connector must contain an object with two arrays:

  • Users

  • Subscriptions

User object properties

IdstringUnique identifier for a user in the SaaS product.
For example, this value can be an internal ID, a UUID, an email address, or a user name.
Emailstring (email)Email address for the user. Should be entered even if the Id field is an email address.No
UserNamestringUsername, nickname, or alias for a user.No
NamestringFull name (first and last name) of the person who this user account belongs to.No
Statusstring (enum)Describes the current status of the user. The following values are supported:
  • "Undefined"
  • "Active"
  • "Inactive"
  • "Disabled"
  • "Deleted"
  • "Invited"
  • Suspended"
Default value is "Undefined".
FirstActivitystring (date - time)The datetime of the first activity of or related to this user. Format of the property: "2017-08-22T17:22:17"No
LastActivitystring (date - time)The datetime of the last activity of or related to this user. Format of the property: "2019-09-16T17:22:17"No
Registrationstring (date - time)The registration or creation datetime of the user. Format of the property: "2017-08-22T17:22:17"No

Subscription object properties

IdstringID for the subscription, preferably from the SaaS product.Yes
UserCapintMaximum number of seats that this subscription supports. If the number of seats is unlimited, enter the following value: 2147483647
This number is the maximum value for a property of Integer Type.
AvailableSeatsintAvailable user grants/seats that can be used. If the number of available seats is unlimited, enter the following value: 2147483647
This number is the maximum value for a property of Integer Type.
MeteringTypesstring (enum)Defines the kind of metering that is used for subscription cost. The following values are supported:
  • "Undefined": when no pricing information is available
  • "Agreement": when the price is custom, that is, based on a special agreement rather than on some metric
  • "PerUserCap": when the price is decided on the number of purchased licenses, even when they are not assigned to a user
  • "PerAssignedUser": when the price is decided per user with an assigned license
Createdstring (date - time)DateTime when the subscription was created. Format of the property: “2009-06-15T13:45:30”No
UserIdsarrayList of user IDs that currently consume a product license. Specified values must match a User->ID from the users list.Yes
Typeobject (SubscriptionType)Object that contains the ID and Name properties. Defines the subscription type. Can be used for multiple subscriptions in one connector or across more than one connector.Yes

Subscription type object properties


For best results and representation of data in Snow License Manager, it is recommended to populate the optional fields.

IDstringUnique ID for a subscription type.
  • "dropbox_user"
  • "webex_host"
  • "slack_user"
NamestringFriendly name for the subscription type.
  • Dropbox user subscription
  • Webex host subscription