Configure Atlassian Trello connector
The Snow Integration Connector for Atlassian Trello is used to determine the number of registered Trello users.
The configuration must be started and prepared according to SaaS connector configuration.
A Trello account that is a member of the team you want to track is required. The account consists of a username and password. The user should be part of just one team; the one which you are creating a connector instance for. In that way, the last activity data for users will be limited to the user activity in that team.
Get the API key and Team ID from Trello
Log in to Trello and navigate to
Accept the Trello Developer Terms and select Generate API Key.
A new page, containing an API key, will open.
On the new page that appears, note the value of the API key.
Go to your Trello dashboard and select your team.
Note the Team ID, which is visible in the URI.
The Team ID in this example URI is newtestteam12:
This data is used to configure the connector.
In the Configure section at the bottom of Connector Configuration: SaaS do the following.
Enter the value for the API key as noted in Get the API key and Team ID from Trello.
Enter the value for the Team ID as noted in Get the API key and Team ID from Trello.
Select Get Token.
A new window will open in your default browser.
Select Allow to permit access to the application.
A new window will appear, displaying the token value.
Enter the token value in the Token box in Connector Configuration: SaaS.
Select Test Connection to check if the connection can be established.
If the connection could not be established, verify that the connector has been configured according to Step 1 till 6 of the Procedure.
Select the Active checkbox to allow the data to be aggregated.
Select Save.
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