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Configure the Microsoft 365 legacy connector

The Microsoft 365 connector uses an API connection. The Snow Integration Connector for Microsoft 365 is configured in the Snow Integration Manager. For more information, see Snow Integration Manager.


In Snow Integration Manager, add the Microsoft 365 connector, and configure the settings:

  1. In Snow License Manager Configuration, and in the API Endpoint, enter the URL to the Snow License Manager (SLM) Web API.



  2. Enter the Port of the SLM Web API.

  3. In User Name and Password, enter the credentials for a user account with access to the SLM Web API.

  4. To use a proxy server to connect to the SLM Web API, select the proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  5. Select Get customer. The Customer field is populated with the current SLM customer.

  6. In Microsoft 365 Configuration, and in User Name and Password, enter the user credentials for a user account with view access to Microsoft 365. See Prerequisites.

  7. In Graph API, enter the Application Id, Application Secret, and Directory Id, as saved in Configure Graph API in Microsoft Azure.


    This step is required in Snow Integration Manager 5.21 and later versions.

  8. To include information on the country and department of Microsoft 365 users, select Include country and department.

  9. To include information on last logon time for Skype for Business, Exchange Online, OneDrive, SharePoint, Yammer, and Teams, select Include last activity.

  10. Optional: Enable domain filtering according to Set up Domain filtering.

  11. To use a proxy server to connect to the SLM Web API, select the proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy Profiles tab in Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  12. To verify the connection, select Test connection.

  13. Select OK.

Set up Domain filtering

Domain filtering is a feature in the Microsoft 365 connector that makes it possible to filter which Microsoft 365 users to import based on the domain name. A list of verified domains is fetched for the Microsoft 365 tenant, and the domains from which to import the data can be selected. Users with a matching domain in their UserPrincipalName are imported.

Even though the user list will be filtered, the number of subscriptions cannot be filtered by the domain name. The subscription information sent to Snow License Manager will represent the state for the whole Microsoft 365 estate.

To use domain filtering:

  1. Select Domain filtering. The Filter by domains window opens.

  2. Select Enable domain filtering.

  3. Select the domains that you want to import data from.

    Select All selects all of the domains in the list.

    Select None clears the checkboxes.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Continue to manually aggregate the connector or schedule an aggregation.

Set up Scheduling

Learn how to configure a schedule for the Microsoft 365 connector.

  1. In Snow Integration Manager Properties, select the Connector options tab.

  2. In the Active connectors list, select the Microsoft 365 connector.

  3. Select Schedule. The Schedule for Microsoft 365 connector window appears.

  4. Select Schedule aggregation at every and then set an aggregation interval.

  5. To save the schedule and close the window, select OK.


The connector should be scheduled outside of the period when the Data Update Job (DUJ) is active/running. Otherwise, the performance of both the connector and the DUJ might have a negative affect.