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Retrieved information


Data from Microsoft 365Description
AccountObjectIdUnique ID (TenantId) of the account.
AccountNameName of the account.
CompanyName of the company.
-Name of the vendor
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Microsoft"
-Name of the service
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Office 365"

Account Sku

Data from Microsoft 365Description
SkuPartNumberThe SKU part number associated with the account.
ActiveUnitsNumber of purchased licenses.
WarningUnitsNumber of licenses that have expired.
ConsumedUnitsNumber of licenses currently assigned to user accounts.

Activity Exchange Online

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Exchange Online"
LastLogonTimeLast time Exchange Online was used.

Activity Skype for Business

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Skype for Business"
LastActivityTimeLast time Skype for Business was used.

Activity OneDrive

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service.
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "OneDrive"
LastActivityTimeLast time OneDrive was used.

Activity SharePoint

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service.
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "SharePoint"
LastActivityTimeLast time SharePoint was used.

Activity Yammer

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service.
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Yammer"
LastActivityTimeLast time Yammer was used.

Activity Teams

Data from Microsoft 365Description
-The name of the service.
A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "Teams"
LastActivityTimeLast time Teams was used.


Data from Microsoft 365Description
ServiceNameThe name of the service.
ProvisioningStatusThe status of the service.
ServicePlanIdThe Service plan id.
ServiceTypeThe type of the service.


Data from Microsoft 365Description
DisplayNameDisplay name of the user.
UserPrincipalNameUser ID of the user.
OverallProvisioningStatusWhether or not the user has been provisioned for their services.
BlockCredentialWhether or not the user is prevented from signing in.
SignInNameSign in name of the user.
ValidationStatusWhether or not the user has any errors.
FirstNameFirst name of the user.
LastNameLast name of the user.
ImmutableIdOnly returned for federated users.
IsLicensedWhether or not the user has any licenses assigned.
LastDirSyncTimeDate and time of the last directory synchronization. (only returned from users synced with Azure Active Directory through Active Directory synchronization)
LastPasswordChangeTimestampThe most recent time at which a password change for the user was registered in Azure Active Directory.
LiveIDUnique login ID of the user.
WhenCreatedDate and time for when the user was created.
ObjectIdUnique ID of the user.
UserTypeType of the user.
CountryThe country/region in which the user is located.
DepartmentThe name for the department in which the user works.

User License

Data from Microsoft 365Description
SkuPartNumberThe SKU associated with the user license.