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Configure the Adobe Creative Cloud connector

In Snow Integration Manager, add the Adobe Creative Cloud connector and configure the settings.

Set up the Snow License Manager Connection

Learn how to configure the Snow License Manager Connection component.

  1. In the Web API URL, enter the URL to the Snow License Manager web API.


    http://[your SLM url]:[port]/api


    [Port] is only necessary if Snow License Manager is running on other port than default port 80.

  2. In the Username and Password fields, enter the credentials for the Snow License Manager web API user account.


    The Password field is case-sensitive, and cannot be copied to the clipboard.

  3. To set up a proxy server, select the desired proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy profiles tab in the Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  4. Select the Advanced settings to enter the SLM connection settings in the Snow License Manager advanced connection settings window that includes:

    • Timeout (minutes): The time required for the connector to receive a response from the server. (Min: 3min, Max: 30min)

    • Retries: The number of retries a connector should perform when a timeout takes place. (Min: 0min, Max: 100min)

    • Retries delay (minutes): The time taken between the SLM connection retries. (Min: 1min, Max: 100min)

    • Default: Selecting this would reset the settings in Step 4 to its default values.

    To save the changes made, select OK.

  5. To verify and establish a connection between the connector and the SLM server, select Test connection.


    For a connection established successfully, the Customer field is populated with the customer list received from the SLM server. Otherwise, a Test connection failed popup is displayed.

Set up the Creative Cloud Connectors

Learn how to configure the Creative Cloud Connectors component.

  1. To create a connector instance, select Add . The Connector name appears.

  2. Enter a name for the connector instance and select OK. The connector instance appears in the Creative Cloud Connectors list, and the Creative Cloud Configuration section is available for use.


    You can also rename a connector or remove a connector from the list by selecting Rename or Remove respectively.

Set up the Creative Cloud Configuration

Learn how to configure the Creative Cloud Configuration component.

  1. Navigate to the Adobe Developer Console website and to the Adobe Creative Cloud Project that you set up in Set up an Adobe Creative Cloud Project.

  2. Navigate to Credentials > Service Account (JWT) / OAuth Server-to-Server.

  3. Select the Authentication method. By default, the JWT Authentication (Deprecated) is chosen for existing integrations, and for new connector instances, the OAuth Authentication is set by default.


    The Service Account (JWT) credentials have been deprecated according to the announcement from Adobe, and the existing functionality will stop working after Jan 27, 2025. You must migrate your application to use the new OAuth credential before the deprecated date. To find details on the deprecated functionality, refer to the Adobe Developer's Migration Guide .

  4. Copy the values from the Adobe Developer Console and paste them into the Creative Cloud Configuration section of Snow Integration Manager according to the table.


    To display the Client secret value on the Adobe website, you must select Retrieve client secret.

    Name in Adobe Developer ConsoleName in Creative Cloud Configuration section
    Client IDClient ID
    Client secretClient secret
    Organization IDOrganization ID
    Technical account IDTechnical Account
    Note: This field is disabled by default when selecting the OAuth Authentication.
  5. Select the button to the right of the Private Key File Path field, and select a secret key file. This file has the extension .key and is included in the archive that was downloaded in Set up an Adobe Creative Cloud Project.


    The Private Key File Path is disabled by default when selecting the OAuth Authentication.

  6. To set up a proxy server, select the desired proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy profiles tab in the Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  7. To match the timestamp on the aggregation data with that of the import date in Snow License Manager, select or clear Use UTC time.

  8. To verify and establish a connection ready for aggregation, select Test Connection.

  9. To allow the data to be aggregated, select Active.

  10. To save the changes made, select Save.

You can now manually aggregate the data or schedule an aggregation.

The aggregated data is displayed in Snow License Manager, under the Adobe Creative Cloud view.