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Configure the Azure Discovery connector

The Snow Integration Connector for Azure Discovery is configured in Snow Integration Manager. For more information, refer to Snow Integration Manager.

The Azure Discovery connector uses an HTTPS connection.

  1. In Directory id, paste the Directory tenant ID copied from the Microsoft Azure portal.

    For details, see Create Azure Active Directory application.

  2. In Application id, paste the Application (client) ID of the Azure SIM Gateway application, copied from the Microsoft Azure portal.

    For details, see Create Azure Active Directory application.

  3. In Application secret, paste the value for the sim_secret_key of the Azure SIM Gateway application, copied from the Microsoft Azure portal.

    For details, see Create client secret.

  4. In Endpoint, select the desired region. The default endpoint is PublicCloud.

  5. To set up a proxy server, select the desired proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy profiles tab in the Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  6. To configure import filters for subscriptions and resource groups, select Advanced options and follow the instructions in Advanced options.

  7. To verify the connection, select Test connection.

Advanced options

Under Advanced options, you can set up filtering of subscriptions, resource groups, devices, and power states, and choose options for site name. To save the changes made, select Confirm, or to close the view, select Cancel.

Filter settings

To set filters for which subscriptions and resource groups you want to import, use the options under Filter settings.

  • To exclude the selected subscriptions and resource groups from the import, select Don't import selected subscriptions and groups.

  • To include the selected subscriptions and resource groups in the import, select Only import selected subscriptions and groups.


To make changes to the site name and appending of resource group name, use the options under Naming:

  1. Enter your own site name in Override Site Name. This will override any automatically detected site name, for example, the site name set in Snow Integration Manager.

  2. To add the resource group name to the site name for every resource group, select Append Resource Group name to Site name. The site name will then be different for servers in different resource groups.


    The Append Resource Group name to Site name option may have unintended consequences and should not be used unless you understand exactly what it does and you are certain that it should be used in your environment.

    Selecting this option requires you to reconfigure your agent deployment to allow discovered hosts to be matched to their agents.

Power state

To filter out any powered-off VMs from the snowpack, use the checkbox under Power state:

  • To exclude any powered-off VMs from the discovery data when the snowpack gets processed, select Exclude powered off VMs.