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The connector creates Discovery files in the snowpack format .snowpack. The following sections list the fields that are used in the snowpack manifest and what information they are populated with.



Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
NameA constant that is set by the connector.
Value = "server-discoveryuser-ad"
SiteNameThe global or overridden site name
VersionA value set by the connector
OriginIdA value set by the connector


Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
DomainUser -> onPremisesDomainName

Active Directory User

Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
ObjectGuidUser -> objectguid
ObjectSIDUser -> objectsid
Email addressesUser -> mail + otherMails
GivenNameUser -> givenName
LastLogonActivityUser -> lastlogontimestamp
LastNameUser -> surname
OrganizationalUnitExtracted from User -> OnPremisesDistinguishedName
UserPrincipalNameUser -> userPrincipalName
ManagerNameUser -> manager -> name
ManagerEmailUser -> manager -> mail
SamAccountNameUser -> samaccountname
EnabledUser -> accountEnabled
UserAccountControlUser -> userAccountControl
WhenChangedUser -> whenchanged
WhenCreatedUser -> whencreated



Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
NameA constant that is set by the connector.
Value = "server-discovery-ad"
SiteNameThe global or overridden site name
VersionA value set by the connector
OriginIdA value set by the connector


Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
NameDevice -> name
DomainA value set by the connector
DNSHostNameDevice -> dnshostname


Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
MACDevice's Mac address
IPAddressDevice's IP address

Active Directory

Field in snowpack manifestField in SIM configuration
ObjectGuidDevice -> objectguid
ObjectSIDDevice -> objectsid
DistinguishedNameDevice -> distinguishedname
OperatingSystemNameDevice -> operatingSystem
OperatingSystemVersionDevice -> operatingSystemVersion
LastLogonActivityDevice -> lastlogontimestamp
WhenCreatedDevice -> whencreated
WhenChangedDevice -> whenchanged