The connector creates Discovery files in the snowpack format .snowpack
. The following sections list the fields that are used in the snowpack manifest and what information they are populated with.
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
Name | A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "server-discoveryuser-ad" |
SiteName | The global or overridden site name |
Version | A value set by the connector |
OriginId | A value set by the connector |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
Domain | User -> onPremisesDomainName |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
ObjectGuid | User -> objectguid |
ObjectSID | User -> objectsid |
Email addresses | User -> mail + otherMails |
GivenName | User -> givenName |
LastLogonActivity | User -> lastlogontimestamp |
LastName | User -> surname |
OrganizationalUnit | Extracted from User -> OnPremisesDistinguishedName |
UserPrincipalName | User -> userPrincipalName |
ManagerName | User -> manager -> name |
ManagerEmail | User -> manager -> mail |
SamAccountName | User -> samaccountname |
Enabled | User -> accountEnabled |
UserAccountControl | User -> userAccountControl |
WhenChanged | User -> whenchanged |
WhenCreated | User -> whencreated |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
Name | A constant that is set by the connector. Value = "server-discovery-ad" |
SiteName | The global or overridden site name |
Version | A value set by the connector |
OriginId | A value set by the connector |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
Name | Device -> name |
Domain | A value set by the connector |
DNSHostName | Device -> dnshostname |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
MAC | Device's Mac address |
IPAddress | Device's IP address |
Field in snowpack manifest | Field in SIM configuration |
ObjectGuid | Device -> objectguid |
ObjectSID | Device -> objectsid |
DistinguishedName | Device -> distinguishedname |
OperatingSystemName | Device -> operatingSystem |
OperatingSystemVersion | Device -> operatingSystemVersion |
LastLogonActivity | Device -> lastlogontimestamp |
WhenCreated | Device -> whencreated |
WhenChanged | Device -> whenchanged |