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Configure the Amazon AWS Discovery connector

The Amazon AWS Discovery connector is configured in Snow Integration Manager. For more information, see Snow Integration Manager.


Before configuring the Amazon AWS connector, do the following preparations in the AWS console.

  • Create an IAM user and set the AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess permission policy.

  • Create and retrieve the values of the following to be used later when configuring the connector in Snow Integration Manager.

    • Access key

    • Secret access key

    • Role ARN


      In case of loss of the access key, you cannot retrieve it. Instead, you can create a new access key, which makes the old one inactive.

  • Optional: For a multi-account role, do the following:

    • Create an IAM role and define a Trust policy that allows your role ARN to have access to multiple regions when configuring in SIM.

    • Create an IAM user and assign the defined role to it.


In Snow Integration Manager, add the Amazon AWS Discovery connector and configure the settings.

  1. In Access Key, enter the value of the Access key, as saved in Preparations.

  2. In Secret Key, enter the value of the Secret access key, as saved in Preparations.

  3. Select a Login Region.

  4. To set up a proxy server, select the desired proxy in Proxy. Proxies can be configured in the Proxy profiles tab in the Snow Integration Manager main interface.

  5. Optional: Enter a Site Name. This will override the global site name set in Snow Integration Manager.

  6. To save the connector settings, select OK.

Set up the Roles

Use the role editing grid below the access key fields to add, edit, and delete roles.

  1. In FriendlyName, enter an alias of your choice.

  2. In ARN, enter the value of the role ARN, as saved in Preparations.

Set up the Instance filtering

  1. To set up how you want to filter which instances the connector should discover, select the Instance filtering tab.

    The filters can be combined and can reduce the number of instances in the output, depending on how you filter them.

  2. To make the connector only discover either Spot or Scheduled instances, select a lifecycle type in Only with lifecycle type.

  3. To allow the connector to ignore any powered-down or hibernating instances, select Only running instances.


    If you select Only include instances with these tags, and add one or more tags to the list below, instances will only be considered as long as they have the correct tag/value combination.

  4. Select Only include instances from regions and select which regions you want to query in the list below. Any regions not checked will be ignored.