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Manage collaboration services

Collaboration services are external integrations to Snow Device Manager. The external integrations can for example be integrations of users and/or devices. In this user guide, integration with Microsoft Exchange server is described. However, the procedures can also apply to firewalls, mail servers, user directories et cetera.

Microsoft Exchange communicates with Snow Device Manager using the Snow Cloud Extender tool. For more information, see the Installation guide for Snow Cloud Extender.

Allow or block users to synchronize

  1. Find the users that you want to allow or block.

  2. Select the users.

  3. On the Collaboration Services tab, perform one of the following actions:

    • Click User Allow access to allow the users and all the users’ devices to synchronize.

    • Click User Block access to block the users and all the users’ devices from synchronizing.

      The Collaboration services dialog box appears.

  4. Click Yes to allow or block the user.

    The status icon turns red to indicate that the user is not allowed to synchronize.

    The status icon turns green to indicate that the user is allowed to synchronize.

Allow or block devices to synchronize

  1. Find the users that you want to allow or block.

  2. Select the devices.

  3. On the Collaboration Services tab, perform one of the following actions:

    • Click Device Allow access to allow the devices to synchronize.

    • Click Device Block access to block the devices from synchronizing.

      The Collaboration services dialog box appears.

  4. Click Yes to allow or block the device.

    The status icon turns red to indicate that the device is not allowed to synchronize.

    The status icon turns green to indicate that the device is allowed to synchronize.

View synchronization status

The synchronization status of devices and users is represented by icons. To view the synchronization status, navigate for example to the Collaboration services page on the Devices workbench.

Device associated with collaboration service

IconShort descriptionLong description
image134.pngDevice associatedDevice is associated with a collaboration service.
No iconDevice not associatedDevice is not associated with a collaboration service.

Access state of associated user

IconShort descriptionLong description
image136.pngUser allowedThe user is allowed to synchronize and will synchronize with the server, if the device is not blocked.
image138.pngUser blockedThe user is blocked and not allowed to synchronize.
image140.pngUser not associatedThe user is not associated with a collaboration service. The user may have been added manually or via CSV import.

Access state of associated device

IconShort descriptionLong description
device-allowedDevice allowedThe device is allowed to synchronize and will synchronize with the server, if the user is not blocked.
device-blockedDevice blockedThe device or the user is blocked and not allowed to synchronize.
device-discoveryDevice discoveryThe device is recognized by the collaboration server.
device-quarantinedDevice quarantinedThe device is in quarantine and cannot access collaboration services.

Synchronization state of device

IconShort descriptionLong description
image150.pngActiveThe device was synchronized within the last hour.
image152.pngOKThe device was synchronized within the last 24 hours.
image154.pngPoorThe device was synchronized more than 24 hours ago.
image156.pngNonThe device is not synchronized.
image158.pngUnknownThe synchronization status of the device is currently unknown.