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Manage applications

To manage the applications for an Android EMM service:

  1. On the View tab, select Applications.

  2. On the sub menu, select Managed Google Play service accounts, and then select the Android EMM integration service.

    The Allowed applications workbench for the service appears. The workbench has three tabs according to the following table.

  3. Manage the applications according to the following sections.

Allowed applicationsThe Allowed applications tab shows all applications that are allowed for the Android EMM service.
The manager administrates which applications are allowed. For more information, see Allow apps on Google Play.
The manager also administrates which applications specific users should have access to, by creating an allow list. Applications, that a user has access to and can install, are found in the Google Play app in the work profile on all of the user's devices. For more information, see Create allow list for users.
The manager can silently uninstall applications on the user´s device and in the user's work profile, as well as set configurations and permissions for the allowed applications. For more information, see Manage allowed applications.
UsersThe Users tab shows all the users who are part of the Android EMM service, that is, all users in the enrollment group for the service that has enrolled at least one Android device. For these users, the manager can give access to applications in Google Play. The manager can give access to:
  • All approved applications
  • All applications
    All public applications on Google Play as well as any private applications published for this organization.
  • An empty allow list
    All applications, except for the Snow app, in the managed Google Play app will be deleted from the user's devices.
For more information, see Manage access to applications.
PoliciesOn the Policies tab, the manger can deploy default restrictions and policies to devices. For more information, see Manage device restrictions and policies.

Allow apps on Google Play

  1. On the Allowed applications workbench, select the Allowed applications tab.

  2. Select Allow apps on Google Play.

  3. Search for the application, and then select the application.

  4. Select Select.

  5. Select Close.

Remove apps from Google Play

  1. On the Allowed applications workbench, select the Allowed applications tab.

  2. Select the application to be removed.

  3. Select Remove apps from Google Play.

  4. Select Yes or No:

    • Select Yes to also uninstall the application from the users' devices.

    • Select No to let the application remain installed on the users' devices.

Create allow list for users

An allow list is a list of applications that a user has access to.

To create an allow list:

  1. On the Allowed applications workbench, select the Allowed applications tab.

  2. Select the applications.

  3. Select Create allow list for users.

  4. Select the users, and then select OK.


    If a new list is created, it replaces the current list.

Manage allowed applications

On the workbench for the allowed application, the manager can silently uninstall applications on the user´s device and in the user's work profile, as well as set configurations and permissions.

To view the workbench of a specific allowed application:

  1. On the Allowed applications workbench, select the Allowed applications tab.

  2. Double-click the application.

The Allowed application workbench consists of four tabs. The table below describes what actions can be made on the different tabs.

OverviewThe Overview tab shows general information about the application.
UsersThe Users tab shows all users who are allowed to use this application.
To uninstall the application from users' devices, select one or several users, and then select Uninstall application.
ConfigurationThe Configuration tab shows the configurations set for this application. This tab is only available for applications that can be configured, for example, GMail.
To set the configurations for the application:
  1. Select Edit.
  2. Set the configurations, and then select Save.
  3. Select Deploy configurations.
PermissionsThe Permissions tab shows the permissions set for this application.
To set the permissions for the applications:
  1. Select Edit.
  2. Set the permissions, and then select Save.

Manage access to applications

To manage which applications specific users should have access to:

  1. On the Allowed applications workbench, select the Users tab.

  2. Select the users.

  3. Select Access to applications, and then select one of the options.

    • Set access to all approved applications for the enterprise.

    • Set access to all public applications on Google Play as well as any private applications published for this organization.

    • Set access to an empty allow list.

  4. Select Yes.

Manage device restrictions and policies

On the Policies tab, the manager can deploy default restrictions and policies to devices. The default restrictions or policies set here will be pushed to a device when it is enrolled in the Android EMM service. If the restrictions or policies are changed, the manager can select to push these new restrictions or policies to all devices enrolled in the Android EMM service, or only to new devices.

To change the default restrictions and policies:

  1. On the Policies tab, select Edit.

  2. Select a new device restriction or policy from the list.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Select Yes or No:

    • Select Yes if the policy should be pushed to all devices enrolled in the Android EMM service.

    • Select No if the policy should be pushed to new devices only.

If no policies or restrictions need to be pushed to new devices, select Clear enrollment deployment.


Only packages in the service category can be managed in an Android EMM integration service. For more information, see Manage packages.