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This is a user guide for the Snow Device Manager user Interface. Snow Device Manager is an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) system. In the system, managers can monitor, manage, and secure mobile devices in the workplace. The manager can also send applications, settings, and configurations to the devices.

System description

These are the components of the Snow Device Manager architecture:

Cloud ExtenderAn internal directory, for example an Active Directory, can be connected to Snow Device Manager through the Cloud Extender. With the integration, users and organizational structure can be inherited or created in Snow Device Manager.
DevicesApplications, settings, and configurations are sent to the devices. Information, for example enrollment status, model and IMEI, is fetched from the devices.
User interfaceThe devices are monitored, managed and secured in Snow Device Manager user interface.
Web serverSnow Device Manager Self Service is made available by the web server.
Gateway serverThe Gateway server handles and transports device connections and sessions.
Messaging serviceAll outbound traffic, for example text and email messages, and notifications is routed through the messaging service.
SMISInformation about devices, users and packages is stored in the Snow Mobile Information Server and database.

Product description.png


ApplicationIn Snow Device Manager, an application is defined as a program that can be downloaded to a device.
DeploymentA deployment serves as a carrier for a package, and is sent out to a device. The device receives the deployment, reads the package settings, and executes them.
DeviceA device is for example a mobile phone or a tablet.
ManagerA manager is a person who manage mobile devices in Snow Device Manager.
PackageA package is a container where the manager configure settings, for example passcode policies and email settings for a device. A package deployed on an Android device is considered a policy. A package deployed on an iOS device is considered a profile.
ProfileA profile is a set of configuration settings that governs the use and security of an iOS device.
Snow appWhen the Snow app is installed on the user’s device, Snow is activated as device administrator. The manager uses the app to send actions and notifications to the user. The user can for example use the app to create backups and to upload media on the user’s server space. The Snow app is described in the Snow app User guide.
UserA user is a person who uses a device.