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Manage services

This section describes how to manage the domain services.

Edit General settings

  1. On the Domain admin tab, click Service management.

    The Service management workbench appears.

  2. On the General page, click Edit.

  3. Edit the settings according to the following table:

    Location ServicesSelect to enable location services for this domain.
    DeploymentsSelect to enable deployments for this domain.
    DocumentsSelect to enable document sharing services for this domain.
    Appstore EnrollSelect to allow services to be enrolled by credentials on this domain.
    SnowboardSelect to enable the Snowboard on this domain.
  4. Click Save.

  5. Restart all connected Snow Device Managers for the change to take effect.

Edit Self service settings

  1. On the Domain Admin tab, click Settings.

    The Service management workbench appears.

  2. On the Self service page, click Edit.

  3. Edit the settings according to the following table.

    Self ServiceSelect to enable self-service for this domain.
    LanguageSelect the default language for the self-service portal.
    Allow profilesSelect to allow registration of the selected device profiles from the self-service portal.
    Clear all check boxes to allow registration for all profiles.
  4. Click Save.

Manage the Domain services

The Domain services page gives a quick overview on what services is connected to the domain.

The domain services are described in the following table:

Domain serviceDescription
Apple DEPBy connecting the domain to the Apples Device Enrollment Program (Apple DEP) the manager can configure devices through a management solution.
The service synchronizes with the DEP portal every 24 hours to fetch new devices.
Apple VPPBy connecting the domain to Apples Volume Purchase Program (Apple VPP), the manager can find, buy, and distribute applications and books in bulk to iOS devices. It is also possible to re-harvest licenses.
Device PushAdds a push certificate to be able to enroll iOS devices.
ExtenderIntegrates with Active directory, Exchange and SCEP.

To edit or add a domain service:

  1. On the Domain Admin tab, click Service management.

    The Service management workbench appears.

  2. Click the Domain services tab.

  3. To edit a domain service:

    1. Click the domain service.

    2. Click Edit.

      A dialog appears.

    3. Go to Step 5.

  4. To add a domain service:

    1. Click Add and then select the domain service.

      A new service is created with a temporary name.

    2. Click the new service and then click Edit.

      A dialog box appears.

  5. Configure the service and then click Apply. To configure Apple DEP and Apple VPP services, see Manage a Device Enrollment Program and Manage a Volume Purchase Program.

  6. Click Save.

Snow Device Manager is synchronized with the domain services daily. To manually start the synchronization of a domain service:

  1. Click the domain service.

  2. Click Execute.