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Find item

The Find item search function displays all users and devices in the domain matching the search criteria. The Find item search function is a token-based search function which makes it possible to add several search criteria at the same time. If several search criteria is added at the same, there is a hidden OR operator between the criteria.

To find users and devices matching the search criteria:

  1. On the Home menu, click Find item.

  2. Type one or several keywords in the Search box.

    The search result shows all users and devices matching the search criteria.

To search specifically for users or devices, use the View user search function on the Users menu or the View device search function on the Devices menu.

To search for a user, it is possible to create the search criteria based on:

  • user name

  • first name

  • last name

  • email address

  • phone number

  • mobile phone number

  • date when the user was created

To search for a device, it is possible to create the search criteria based on:

  • device name

  • phone number

  • IMEI

  • serial number

  • date when the device was registered