Manage devices
This section describes how to manage devices in Snow Mobility Manager.
Register multiple devices
To register multiple new devices at the same time:
On the Devices menu, click Register multiple devices.
The Register multiple devices view appears.
Click Upload file in the top right corner.
The Import file dialog box appears.
In the dialog box:
Drag a file to the import area or click Select a file to select a file.
Verify that the correct delimiter is selected in the Select delimiter list.
Match the columns in the import file with the correct columns in Snow Mobility Manager by selecting the columns in the drop-down lists.
Click Import file.
The Register multiple devices view appears again, showing the rows in the import file. If the import file contains rows with incomplete data, the incomplete fields are highlighted.
If needed, correct the data in the incomplete fields and then click the
Rows with valid data are moved to the Rows with complete and valid data section.
Click Finish.
The Register multiple devices summary shows the result of the registration.
To export a file with the registered devices, click Export successfully registered devices.
To export a file with the unregistered devices, click Export devices that failed to register.
To start a new registration, click Register new device.
The format type of the the import file must be CSV. It is recommended to specify the information in the import file as username,email,phone.
It is recommended to only import files with less than 250 rows. To import files with more than 250 rows, contact Snow Support.
Register device
Navigate to the Register device view according to one of the following steps:
On the Devices menu, click Register device.
Search for a user, select the user to open the User view, and then click Add device to user.
To select a device profile, select to auto-detect the device profile or select the device profile.
To select a user , type a keyword in the Search box and select a user.
User information is automatically fetched from Snow Device Manager.
To enter device information:
Type Device name.
Optionally, type Device phone number.
Click Register device.
If the device was successfully registered, an information message is displayed.
An email message is sent to the device with instructions for the user how to register the device. A text message with the same information is also sent to the device if a Device phone number was registered.
View device
On the Devices menu, click View device.
Type a keyword in the Search for devices box and then select the device from the drop-down list.
Information about the device, specifications for the device, and the associated user is displayed in the Device view.
noteThe search will find all devices that match a search criterion. However, the drop-down list shows only a limited number of search results. Therefore, the search criterion must be refined, for example by typing the full device name, to show the correct search result.
Enroll device
To enroll a previously registered device:
Navigate to the Device view for the device.
Click Enroll.
An information message to confirm the enrollment is displayed.
Edit device
Navigate to the Device view for the device.
Click Edit.
The Edit device dialog box appears.
Edit Name and Phone number.
Click Save
View associated user
To view information about the associated user for a device:
Navigate to the Device view for the device.
Click the View user to the right of the user.
Information about the user is shown in the User view.