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The Snow Mobile Information Server installer will install the three features described in the following table. When these features have been installed, devices and managers can be connected to Snow Mobile Information Server.

FeatureServices/IIS WebsiteDescription
ServerSnow Mobile Information ServerThe core server.
ServiceWeb serverHandles the self-service portal and the API.
ServiceGateway serviceHttp/Https/Router front-end, handles, translates, and controls communication between devices, interfaces, and the core server.
ServiceMessaging serviceAbstraction and handling of outgoing sms, e-mails, and push traffic
Self serviceSelfService IIS WebsiteOptional

In addition, a set of tools will be installed, which can be reached from the Snow Device Manager System Manager application. Snow Device Manage System Manager is a tray-application that is being installed and run after a successful installation. This application is used to create domains, check logs and start domain administrator.

The installer will install Snow Mobile Information Server into a single directory (c:\SDM) by default. All settings are stored in the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Revival).

About this guide

This document describes how to install and configure a single Snow Mobile Information Server using the standard installer and configuration wizard.

The Snow Mobile Information Server can be used for different purposes:

  • As a part of the full Snow Device Manager product for device management.

  • As a mobile inventory in combination with Snow License Manager.


This guide describes single server configuration. The guide does not describe custom configuration and separation of Snow Mobile Information Server services into multiple machines. To install on multiple machines (more than one back-end), create a case through Snow Support Portal.

This guide describes only installation and configuration of Snow Mobile Information Server, see the following guides for further information:

Planning and prerequisites

To install and configure Snow Mobile Information Server the following is needed:

  • The latest Snow Mobile Information Server installer: SDMServerXXXX_x64.msi, where XXXX is the version number.

  • Valid license information (activation name and pin)

The following image describes a typical configuration of a Single Server installation.


Open TCP Ports (Firewall configuration) needed:

  • Inbound: TCP 443 (any source)

  • Outbound: TCP 443 (any destination)

  • Outbound: TCP 2195 (

  • Outbound: TCP 5235 (

  • All server and network prerequisites for Snow Mobile Information Server installation are described in Snow System Requirements and they must be completed before installation.

  • Snow Mobile Information Server does not perform backup of the databases or database server so it is important to set up the server correctly.

The server certificate

The server certificate must be in PKCS#12 format and include:

  • The certificate

  • Private key

  • Full certificate chain (that is, any intermediate certificates and root certificate)

Also, to support Windows 10 enrollment a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) entry must exist in the following format:

  •, where is the common name (CN) of the certificate

The common name of the certificate is

The SAN entry would then be

DNS records must be created for both the CN and the SAN ( and Both DNS records should point to the same endpoint.