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ServiceNow CMDB Integration

The Snow Integration Connector for ServiceNow CMDB populates the CMDB with the following types of asset information from the Snow License Manager web API to the ServiceNow dataset.


Target table: cmdb_ci_computer

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
CoreCountNumber of physical coresComputer details -> Hardwarecpu_core_count
ProcessorCountNumber of processorsComputer details -> Hardwarecpu_count
ProcessorTypeProcessor make and modelComputer details -> Hardwarecpu_type
-Constant set by the connector, value = "SnowSoftware"-discovery_source
This is a reference to a global SnowSoftware entry in the sys_choice_list under cmdb_ci.
TotalDiskSpaceTotal size of all hardware drivesComputer details -> Hardwaredisk_space
HypervisorHypervisor nameComputer details -> Informationx_snsab_snow_sam_i_hypervisorname
Full name + username
(API member: MostRecentUser)
Last user that logged on to this computerComputer details -> Usersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_last_logged_on_user
ManufacturerComputer manufacturerComputer details -> Informationmanufacturer
Hardware manufacturers are not created by default. Matching data with a specific hardware manufacturer relies on an existing entry for the manufacturers in the core_company table. For computers and devices that cannot be matched with an existing entry, the field Manufacturer will be left blank during aggregation.
Forcing hardware manufacturer data for computers and devices can be enabled in the Catalog transform map (CsvHwModelTransform), by setting Manufacturer->Choice Action to Create. Note that this action adds new company records to your core_company table and may duplicate or overwrite existing ones.
ModelComputer modelComputer details -> Informationmodel_id
This is a reference to a model in the cmdb_hardware_product_model table
Full name + username
(API member: MostFrequentUser)
The most frequent logged on user of this computerComputer details -> Usersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_most_frequent_user
NameComputer host nameComputer detailsname
OperatingSystemInstalled operating systemComputer detailsos
Operating systems are not added to the computer operating system choice list by default. After an import, you will see that computers will have a value in the Operating System field, but to change the value, you first have to add it to the choice list for operating systems.
DomainDomain name, if this computer is member of a domainComputer details -> Informationos_domain
OperatingSystemServicePackInstalled operating system service packComputer detailsos_service_pack
PhysicalMemoryTotal size of RAMComputer details -> Hardwareram
BiosSerialNumberBIOS serial numberComputer details -> Hardwareserial_number
-Computer ID in SLM-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_computer_id
OrganisationOrganization nameComputer details -> Informationx_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_organization
-Organization checksum-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_org_checksum
IsVirtualIf this is a virtual computerAll computers -> Virtualvirtual
StatusComputer Status in SLMcomputer -> StatusSnow Status
LastScanDateLast time computer got scannedcomputer -> Last ScannedMost recent Discovery
IsServerWhether or not a computer is servercomputer -> ServerIsServer

Logical disk

Target table: cmdb_ci_disk

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameComputer host nameComputer detailscomputer
Logical disks
(API member: SizeMb)
Logical disk sizeComputer details -> Hardwaredisk_space
Logical disks
(API member: VolumeName)
Disk nameComputer details -> Hardwaredrive_type
Logical disks
(API member: Name)
Drive letter of the diskComputer details -> Hardwarename
Logical disks
(API member: FreeSpaceMb)
Logical disk free spaceComputer details -> Hardwarefree_space
-Constant set by the connector, value = "SnowSoftware"-discovery_source
This is a reference to a global SnowSoftware entry in the sys_choice_list under cmdb_ci.

Mobile device

Target table: cmdb_ci_comm

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
OrganisationOrganization of the deviceMobile device details -> Informationcompany
-Constant set by the connector, value = "SnowSoftware"-discovery_source
This is a reference to a global SnowSoftware entry in the sys_choice_list under cmdb_ci.
ManufacturerManufacturer of the deviceMobile device details -> Informationmanufacturer
ModelModel number of the deviceMobile device details -> Informationmodel_number
NameName of the deviceMobile device detailsname
Operating systemOperating system on the deviceAll mobile devices listx_snsab_snow_sam_i_operatingsystem
Phone numberPhone number of the deviceAll mobile devices listphone_number
Mobile device typeDevice type; phone or tabletAll mobile devices listtype

Network adapter

Target table: cmdb_ci_network_adapter

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameComputer host nameComputer detailscmdb_ci
Network adapter
(API member: IpAddress)
IP address of the computerComputer details -> Hardwareip_address*
Network adapter
(API member: MacAddress)
MAC address of the computerComputer details -> Hardwaremac_address
Network adapter
(API member: Name)
Name of the network adapterComputer details -> Hardwarename

Relationship 1 (DCC and Hosts)

Target table: cmdb_rel_ci

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameName of the datacenter or clusterDatacenters and clusterschild
Host computer nameName of the physical computer (host) within the dcc/clusterDatacenters and clusters -> Hostsparent
-Checksum generated from the other variables in this table.-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_checksum
-Constant set by the connector, value = "Contains::Contained By"-type

Relationship 2 (Hosts and VMs)

Target table: cmdb_rel_ci

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
Host computer nameName of the physical computer (host) within the dcc/clusterDatacenters and clusters -> Hostschild
Virtual Machines
(API member: Name)
Name of the virtual machine within the host(Host) Computer details -> Informationparent
-Checksum generated from the other variables in this table.-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_checksum
-Constant set by the connector, value = "Virtualized by::Virtualizes"-type

Relationship 3 (VM’s and VMs)

Target table: cmdb_rel_ci

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
Virtual Machines
(API member: Name)
Name of the virtual machine within the host(Host) Computer details -> Informationchild
(API member: VitualMachineId)Virtual machine IDparent
-Checksum generated from the other variables in this table.-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_checksum
-Constant set by the connector, value = "Instantiates::Instantiated by"-type

Relationship 4 (DCC and VM’s)

Target table: cmdb_rel_ci

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameName of the datacenter or clusterDatacenters and clusterschild
(API member: VitualMachineId)Virtual machine IDparent
-Checksum generated from the other variables in this table.-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_checksum
-Constant set by the connector, value = "Registered on::Has registered"-type

Software packages

Target table: cmdb_ci_spkg

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameThe name of the applicationEdit computer -> Identified filesname
ManufacturerNameThe name of the application manufacturerEdit computer -> Identified filesmanufacturer

Software instances

Target table: cmdb_software_instance

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
ComputerIdThe computer that the application is installed onComputer detailsinstalled_on
IsInstalled Whether the application has a local installation record or not.-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_has_local_installation
InstallDateInstallation date of the application-install_date
LastUsedThe last time the application was usedApplication details -> Computersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_lastused
FirstUsedThe first time the application was used-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_firstused
AvgUsageTimeThe average usage time of the applicationApplication details -> Computersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_avgusagetime
UsedMinutesNumber of minutes used-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_usedminutes
UsersNumber of users that have used the applicationApplication details -> Usersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_users
RunThe number of times the application is runApplication details -> Computersx_snsab_snow_sam_i_run


Target table: sys_user

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
UsernameDomain of the user; extracted from UsernameUser detailsx_snsab_snow_sam_i_domain
EmailE-mail address of the userUser details -> Informationemail
FullNameFull name of the userEdit user -> Full namefirst_name
Logged inLast time the user logged inUser detailslast_login_time
FullNameFull name of the userEdit user -> Full namelast_name
PhoneNumberPhone number of the userUser details -> Informationmobile_phone
OrganisationOrganization nameUser details -> Informationx_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_organization
-The organization checksum-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_org_checksum
-User ID in SLM-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_snow_user_id
UsernameUser nameUser detailsuser_name



The target table cmdb_ci_vcenter, previously named vCenter here, is not used from ServiceNow and Snow Integration Manager 5.32. The target table cmdb_ci_vcenter can be emptied if you wish.

Target table: cmdb_ci_vcenter_datacenter

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
NameName of the datacenter or clusterDatacenters and clustersname
-Constant set by the connector, value = "SnowSoftware"-discovery_source
This is a reference to a global SnowSoftware entry in the sys_choice_list under cmdb_ci.

VMware instance

Target table: cmdb_ci_vmware_instance

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
Virtual machines
(API member: Name)
Name of the virtual machine
In ServiceNow, the field is populated like this; "Instance_" + Virtual machine name
Computer details -> Informationname
(API member: VirtualMachineID)Virtual machine ID in SLM-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_virtual_machine_id
(API member: PowerState)Power state of the virtual machineComputer details -> Informationstate
-Constant set by the connector, value = "SnowSoftware"-discovery_source
This is a reference to a global SnowSoftware entry in the sys_choice_list under cmdb_ci.

Hyper-V instance

Target table: cmdb_ci_hyper_v_instance

NameDescriptionField in SLM GUITarget field
ConnectorNameConnector Name from Snow Integration Manager Properties. Users can use it for their own mappings.
Changing the connector name in the GUI changes the CSV file name and impacts custom mappings.
Virtual machines
(API member: Name)
Name of the virtual machine
In ServiceNow, the field is populated like this; "Instance_" + Virtual machine name
Computer details -> Informationname
(API member: VirtualMachineID)Virtual machine ID in SLM-x_snsab_snow_sam_i_virtual_machine_id
(API member: PowerState)Power state of the virtual machineComputer details -> Informationstate