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Before the BMC Helix Remedyforce connector can be configured, the following preparations must be made in BMC Helix Remedyforce and Snow License Manager.

  • Make sure support for Configuration Items (CI) is enabled in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Create new custom fields in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Add Flexera to the Source field picklist values in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Create new connected app in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Retrieve information from BMC Helix Remedyforce, to be used when configuring the connector.

  • Create user account with access to the Snow License Manager web API.

The preparations are described in the following sections.

Enable support for Configuration Items in BMC Helix Remedyforce

Learn how to enable support for Configuration Items (CI) in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  1. In BMC Helix Remedyforce, and on the Remedyforce Administration tab, go to Configure CMDB 2.0 and select General CMDB settings.

  2. Select Enable Configuration Item Management, if not already selected.

Create new custom fields for Snow Id

Learn how to add a new custom field that is named Snow Id to the objects Base Element, Base Relationship, and Model in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  1. In BMC Helix Remedyforce, select Setup in the top navigation bar.

  2. In the left menu, select Objects and Fields and then select Object Manager.

  3. Find Base Element in the list and select the label.

    The Custom object view for Base Element appears.

  4. In the Fields & Relationships section, to create a new custom field, select New .

  5. Select the data type Text and select Next.

  6. In the New Custom Field view, enter the following information:

    1. In the Field Label, enter Snow Id.

    2. In the Length, enter 255.

    3. In the Field Name, enter Snow_Id.


      This name is case-sensitive, due to a known defect in Salesforce.

    4. Select the External ID.

  7. Select Next.

  8. For all profiles to grant default rights to all fields, select Visible.

  9. Select Next and then select Save.

  10. To create a new custom field for Snow Id for the objects Base Relationship and Model, repeat Step 2 to Step 9.

Add Flexera to the Source field picklist values in BMC Helix Remedyforce

Learn how to add a new picklist value for Source field to the object Base Element in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  1. Select Setup in the top navigation bar, in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  2. In the left menu, select Objects and Fields and then select Object Manager.

  3. Search for Base Element in the list and select its label.

  4. In the Fields & Relationships section, search for field label Source in the list and select it.

    The custom field view for source field appears.

  5. To add a new picklist value for the source field, locate the Values section and select New.

  6. Enter Flexera in the box and select Save.

Create custom field for SLM Status

Learn how to add a new custom field for SLM Status to the object Base Element in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  1. Select Setup in the top navigation bar, in BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  2. In the left menu, select Objects and Fields and then select Object Manager.

  3. Search for Base Element in the list and select its label.

    The Custom object view for Base Element appears.

  4. In the Fields & Relationships section, to create a new custom field, select New.

  5. Select the data type Picklist, then Next.

  6. Go to the New Custom Field view.

  7. Enter SLM Status in the Field Label box.

  8. Select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line in the Values section.

  9. Enter a list of valid values in the Values box:

    • Active

    • Quarantined

    • Inactive

  10. Select Next.

  11. To grant default rights to all fields, select the checkboxes named Visible for all profiles.

  12. Select Next, and then Save.

Display custom field SLM Status in Helix Remedyforce CMDB Explorer

This section is optional as the integration will run without it, but it must be implemented to see the SLM Status field in CMDB Explorer.

  1. Select the Remedyforce Administration tab.

  2. Select Manage Objects, then Create and Edit Objects.

    If you are prompted to enable this feature:

    1. Copy the URL that is displayed after the text Copy the following Remote Site URL.

    2. Select the link named Salesforce Remote Site Settings.

      The All Remote Sites view appears.

    3. Select New Remote Site.

      The Remote Site Edit view appears.

    4. Enter a site name in the Remote Site Name box.

    5. Paste what you copied in step 1 in the Remote Site URL box.

    6. Select Save.

  3. Go to Base Element in the list and select the label.

  4. Select the Field Sets link or locate the section for Field Sets.

  5. In the Field Sets section, locate Computer System and select the label.

  6. Drag the custom field SLM Status to the In the Field Set list and locate the field where you want to see it in CMDB Explorer.

    The field is displayed in the Specification section when a computer system is edited.

  7. To save the changes made, select Save.

  8. Repeat steps 1 through 7, but in step 6 select Mobile instead of Computer System.

Create new connected app in BMC Helix Remedyforce

  1. In BMC Helix Remedyforce, select Setup at the top navigation bar.

  2. In the left menu, select Apps and then select App Manager.

  3. Select New Connected App.

  4. In the New Connected App view, enter the following information:

    1. In the Connected App Name box, enter the name SnowIntegrationManagerApp.

    2. In the API Name box, enter the same name as for the Connected App Name, that is, SnowIntegrationManagerApp.

    3. In the Contact Email box, enter an email address.

    4. Select the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox.

    5. In the Callback URL box, enter this URL:

    6. Select the following OAuth Scopes:

      • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access).

      • Manage user data via APIs.

  5. To enable the connector to authenticate the user, clear the Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows checkbox.

  6. Select Save.

  7. In the left menu, under Apps, select Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps.

  8. Select Edit on the newly created app.

  9. Under OAuth policies, make sure that Permitted Users are set to All users may self-authorize.

Retrieve information from BMC Helix Remedyforce

The following information from BMC Helix Remedyforce is needed when configuring the BMC Helix Remedyforce connector:

  • Consumer Key: The ID of the application that will connect to BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Consumer Secret: The key that will be used as the secret in the connection to BMC Helix Remedyforce.

  • Callback URL: The Callback URL that was entered for the application that will connect to BMC Helix Remedyforce.

To retrieve the information:

  1. In BMC Helix Remedyforce, select Setup at the top navigation bar.

  2. On the left menu, select Apps and then select App Manager.

  3. In the App Name column, select SnowIntegrationManagerApp.


    Select the arrow on the right-hand side of SnowIntegrationManagerApp and then select View.

  4. Under API (Enable OAuth Settings), locate the Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, and Callback URL(s). Make a note of the values, as they are used when configuring the connector.

Assign user rights to BMC Helix Remedyforce user

In BMC Helix Remedyforce, browse to the setup menu. Expand Users, select Users, and create or edit the user for the integration. Make sure the user has the following privileges:

  • The role must be at least Helpdesk Administrator.

  • User License must be Salesforce.

  • Profile must be at least ServiceDesk System Administrator.

Create user account with access to the Snow License Manager web API

To create a web API user for Snow License Manager:

  1. Login to the Snow Management and Configuration Center (Snow MACC) with a user having administrative privileges.

  2. If you are using a Snow License Manager enterprise edition, go to Security settings and select Users.

  3. If you are using a Snow License Manager Service provider edition (SPE), go to Select customer, select the customer or platform, and then, under Security settings, select Users.

  4. Select New user.

  5. In New user, on the User tab, enter information about the user.

  6. On the Roles tab, select Add, then select API Users, and select OK.

  7. On the Organization Restrictions tab, enter restrictions, if any, and select OK.

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